by youpeoplearefunnyandsad 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman
    Most of you are apostates right? or disfellowshiped? am i right?

    No, you're wrong. Some of the people on this forum fall into those categories, especially the latter, but most don't. As for apostacy, it depends on how you define it, doesn't it?

    I'm not df'd. A couple of years ago I was conducting the WT on Sundays at a local KH. I had been an elder for more than 20 years and I have no doubt you would have shown me a great deal of respect because I was thought of as a very good speaker and I made the occasional appearance on circuit and district convention platforms. My whole family was immersed and fully engaged. We were serious dubs.

    I am not just decribing my situation. A whole bunch of people on this forum, and a lot more who spent time here before they fully healed from this dysfunctional addictive religion and moved on, fit this description or some variation of it.

    We are pioneers, elders, ministerial servants, pillars in the congregation, "spiritual" JWs. We don't consider ourselves "apostates.' If there is apostacy in the mix, it comes from the WTS which apostacized from true Christianity. When we woke up and realized that, we did the spiritually correct thing and got the hell out of Dodge. At great personal cost, I might add.

    Based on your immature comments, you are a long way from being intellectually or emotionally up to the task of lecturing us. Having said that, we do appreciate your being here and urge you to stick around and soak up these experiences. You might learn something.

  • oldflame

    First of all an apostate according to scripture is someone who left God, I have not left God and many here also have not left God just the organisation. That's one of the problems of the JW's. They say we have accurate knowledge of the scriptures but then you turn this around by saying if you leave the WTBS you leave God. Sorry but this is an inaccurate accusation.

    I was never a baptised witness, but was involved through family that are JW. I don't do drugs and I don't sleep around either. I have morals and values that come from upbringing and not the JW religion. In the book of Matthew is talks about judging others and it says if you judge someone you are putting yourself in that same judgement. Think about that Mr self righteous.

    For you to even come here, you are going against what your society is teaching you isn't it ? So tell me just what makes you any different than anyone here ? I don't see any. My best advice to you is to deep think yourself and maybe just maybe you might see the real light and not some bunch of made up bull-crap.

  • ferret

    youpeoplearefunnyand sad:

    You find us odd well no one is odder than you and your beliefs.

  • Frog
    We are pioneers, elders, ministerial servants, pillars in the congregation, "spiritual" JWs. We don't consider ourselves "apostates.' If there is apostacy in the mix, it comes from the WTS which apostacized from true Christianity. When we woke up and realized that, we did the spiritually correct thing and got the hell out of Dodge. At great personal cost, I might add.

    Hey Wilyolman, you're so wise :)...this is exactly what I would have written could I have been bothered to spend more than 30seconds on this thread.

    Sounds like the fireball trolldoll is in that very typical large stage of denial, where a person goes to intense extremes to downcast anything that poses a worthy challenge to WT doctrine that fills him/her with cognitive dissonance. Won't be long now for this hit & run poster.

    DENY DENY DENY!...classic jw mentality. frog x

  • beautifulisfree

    Yes we are all from the better run and hide...And don't let any other witness see you on here.

    Hey when you realize the truth about the truth you will be back on this forum for support and we will gladly help you. Hey by the way how much time are you putting down on your fieldservice report for your witnessing? when the elders wonder why you have so much time down are you going to tell them you were witnessing to apostates on the internet??

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    LOL - Hey Ballistic - just whatchout apostacat Joel doesn't see ya pretty face (alas poor slugga I knew him well).

    Yeah that ballistic sure do have pretty lips...


  • IP_SEC
    Do you not think its a little odd that you people all get together and make such an effort to put a religion down?That you get together and plot what you are going to do to disrupt things, that you are so bitter and twisted, that your expereicnces eat you up inside? I know i think you are odd

    LOL who is it that get together to put religion down?

    *** w04 2/1 p. 12 "Lord, Teach Us How to Pray" ***
    " Satan’s entire wicked system of things, with its false religion, corrupt politics, greedy and dishonest commerce, and destructive military, will be wiped out forever.

    *** w04 12/15 p. 29 Where True Worship and Paganism Clashed ***
    This worship of the true God will also prevail when false religion of our day meets its end, just as the ancient worship of Artemis did.

    *** w03 1/1 p. 17 Now More Than Ever, Stay Awake! ***
    We have separated ourselves from false religion.

    *** w50 1/1 p. 4 Be Rich in Good Works ***
    Riches have a big influence on religion. Politics curtsies and tips the hat for the smile of religion. Take the greatest religious organization in the world today, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.

    Uhhoohh that will probably be taken as twisting your words huh?

  • freedomlover
    freedomlover I go about my morning

    oh wait Defd? is that you??

  • undercover
    Do you not think its a little odd that you people all get together and make such an effort to put a religion down?That you get together and plot what you are going to do to disrupt things, that you are so bitter and twisted, that your expereicnces eat you up inside? I know i think you are odd

    Anyway those skilled appostates that will look at my words and twist them and try and make what I say suit them - don't bother, I only came on here to have a rant at you for once, and i won't be reading your replies, your opinions are hilarious and only effect the weak, no doubt you'll have a good go though, it would be very very funny, it hard to resist staying around for the argument but i won't. Enjoy yourselves.

    Don't you think it a little odd that if you know you have the true religion that you would feel the need to come on to an apostate message board, sign up as a user and make a post meant to provoke people? Where's the christainity in that? I think you're fucked up because you think you believe but deep down inside something is eating at you, making you worry about the possibilities if the JWs are wrong.

    You won't be reading replies(you actually mean, "admitting to reading replys") because your chickenshit. You're afraid that someone might just break that already shakey confidence in the Watchtower Society. Why don't you pick a subject, any subject, present your side(The WT side, that is) and debate it with someone. Let's see if you can defend your religion and your beliefs against disbelievers. If you're not willing to do that, you're weak and scared. You know you can't defend the faith. You can only parrot what the mother organization tells you to say.

    I dare you to come back and take what you dish out.

  • Es

    I second tooopinated's response


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