I saw the film when it was first out in the cinemas and was moved by it. Got it out later on DVD for the rest of the family to watch.
The mindset of that generation thought that the aboriginies were inferior and that the kids born with some white in them would have a better chance of a future if they were taken away from their families. I have an aboriginal friend in his fifties who had a similar thing happen to him, he was on the run and passed around to relatives to keep him away from authorities.
The powers that be actually expected that the aboriginals would disappear or be "bred out" within a few generations, and taking their half caste children was part of that strategy. It makes me feel bad that human beings did that en mass to their fellow man.
Yes I'm sorry it happened. It's the same sorrow about what was done to unmarried pregnant women in the 1960's. They were bullied and forced to give up their babies for adoption and had virtually no support or rights. Similar situation to kids in orphanages in the uk who were shipped off to australia as often slave labour after the 2nd world war. They were told their parents were dead, and their family were told that they had been adopted.
The authorities at that time thought that they knew better, and ruled with an iron fist, not to be questioned.
any similarities............