I was a goody 2 shoes, but never arrogant, the words Lola and arrogant don't go well with each other.
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
I was a goody 2 shoes, but never arrogant, the words Lola and arrogant don't go well with each other.
To clarify, lest someone think I actually was arrogant, in some congregations anything short of fawning acceptance and agreement with every word that drips from the lips of the lofty (including the Governing Body) is automatically arrogance. Some congregations aren't that way, though, in all fairness.
Blondie was growing up among the dubs with only one parent as a JW creating serious problems for you, did they look down upon you socially?
To some extent, but I had other relatives that were big wheels so it softened it some but not completely. It was the kiss of death socially if you had only one parent or one parent that was a JW. But if you were rich, good-looking, or had a good-looking, single male JW relative, it helped.
No, not at all, just the opposite really. I was in the minority in my kh though, most of them were, and probably still are, arrogant.
absolutely not - no way
No, I wasn't a goody two shoes with those in the truth, i don't think I ever marked anyone or refused to associate with anyone that wasn't a good associate but i was a bit arrogant when it came to dealing with worldly people. I wouldn't associate with them outside of work hours.
Quite the opposite. I was very shy and quiet with great anxiety about life. I've had to work very hard and making myself think I am worth anything.
Sounds a lot like me. I pretty much thought that Jehovah really didn't want me as one of his super duper peeps because it seemed like I was always running into brick walls as a dub. Hard to lord it over other people when you think you are inferior. lol
To be a JW is by definition is arrogant, you believe that your the only group in the whole world with the truth. However, I was never one to act pious just to get reconition in the congregation. People like that make me wanna puke, to try and put on a show for the elders and the congregation just so you can lord it over them and put others down. I just wanna punch em in the mouth.
No: not even as an elder.
Ha, that's funny....
I was the one always trying to stay as far as possible from those guys.