After reading Iron Claws recent post, "I Lost It!!!!!!!!!!!", it made me wonder if possibly the elders asign someone from each hall to watch sites like this to see if there are anyone posting that tell experiences they may recognize. What do you all think?? I find it strange that the C.O. just asked my active Grandmother if she knew if my husband and I were visiting any "apostate websites". And then in Iron Claws experience, that's the same question he said they posed to him! Is there anyway for them to find out who you are besides just recognizing your experience?? Also, how many of you have been asked that same question by the elders?? Any input would be helpful, thank you!!
Are They Watching Us??
by Lady Liberty 15 Replies latest jw friends
LL - I was pretty paranoid about that stuff at first also. I do think they have people keeping tabs on this stuff but I think it's at headquarters. the society is very aware of apostate sites and I think they have trained elders to ask that question because it's a way to get the individual in trouble so they can DF them. If you are looking at apostate things they will DF you if you in anyway imply that you agree with apostate ideas.
I don't think they are so much interested in individuals here unless they start causing big trouble. ex. a website like quotes or Elsewhere's experience of them trying to shut his website down. -
I suspect there are a few posters being watched, but the average JWD'er doesn't get any notice. I don't think anyone from the local congregations would ever be assigned to watch, that would be too dangerous, but there are almost certainly a few here and there that take it upon themselves to come to places like this, looking for someone to "turn in."
Don't get too worried. Some people have been outed here, but not too many, and usually only the most obvious. I've been posting here for 3 years, am fairly well-known in the area, my family is EXTREMELY well known, both here and in Bethel, lots of identifying information about me, yet I have not been "outed," yet anyways. ;)
There are plenty of others like me who are identifiable, but haven't been identified by WT. I'd say you're more likely to be turned in by someone you slip and say something "apostate" to in real life, then they rat you out. -
Greetings LL
It is my opinion that, based on how fast this board is growing it has to be the subject of conversation amongst the dub ranks. Disinterested ones that have been brought up in Dubdom have told me they lurk here. IMO ones from all over are lurking. Sit back and enjoy the show
ps: I enjoy your posts
Lady Liberty
Thanks you guys! Its not like I'm not ready for the axe, but I have been waiting for 6 weeks now for a reply back from them on our 607 questions. When we "GET IT" I want it to be because they had to get rid of us, that they couldn't answer our questions, and because we wouldn't let them squirm out of that subject, that we knew TOO much. I think my family and friends that are still in, that know our issue, will have questions themselves if they see that happen! However, if I was D'FD because of being seen eating with a disfellowshipped person, or being here, then they wouldn't give my Dfing a second thought and they would support it.
I agree LL. Have you thought about the option that they may be stalling and gathering info. from people hoping to see if you "tripped up" somewhere? That's what they do. They've done it to us. They ask friends and family members if they know anything or if we've looked at apostate info. They want to have a "reason" other than they fact that they can't answer your VALID questions. If they can DF you for looking at apostate info. then they look like the good guys.
If you want to make them sweat I suggest you be ever so careful about who you tell about this site or others like it.
good luck! -
I'm with freedomlover. The elders are trained to look for the earmarks of apostate thinking. Bring up 607, the UN scandal, the blood issue, child abuse, etc., I'd imagine a person would be tagged apostate pretty quickly. I mean, a typical JW doesn't have much of an idea of any of this, now do they?
People at the higher levels are definately keep tabs on forms like this, but no one at the local level is watching. I am currently attending meetings and I have my picture posted here and have given many personal details about myself that could identify me and I haven't been talked to... So I don't think there is anything to worry about.
Lady Liberty
If you want to make them sweat I suggest you be ever so careful about who you tell about this site or others like it. Yes freedomlover, you cannot be TOO careful!! My Gandmother didn't even have a clue we weren't going to meetings anymore, so she says anyway! I find that hard to believe, although we are not in the same hall, news of that sort goes like wildfire as you know. She told me that when the C.O. asked her, she said she knew nothing, but is sure we would never visit any "apostate" sites. The rest of the family and friends that know our issues don't have a clue this site exists. At least not through us they don't! Your right, I feel its a real good possibility that they are gathering their facts. But I have gathered more of my own! I am anxious for their return!
oh yes, we are all excited to see how this turns out for you. keep us posted