Photos of Australian Snake eating kangaroo
by misspeaches 49 Replies latest social entertainment
Frannie Banannie
That is AWESOME!!! Did you see the mouth on that snake in the newspaper article that lostlantern posted? I've watched these killing machines in action on "Animal Planet." Their jaws come completely UNHINGED, in order for them to encompass the carcasses of animals that they devour. INCREDIBLE!! (shudders)
Isn't it fascinating! Just seeing how their jaws can get so big and their skin expands to fit these animals in....
Frannie Banannie
I'm just not real crazy about seeing him eat a Joey.
Hey whats wrong with the rest of you? Don't you like my snake???
ah but in the new system they will become vegetarian dont you know/
That was obviously a very young roo or a walloby. Was the snake venomous? How did he stop his prey? He obviously could not have out run him, unless the prey was very young or sick or unless he poisoned him?
I'll tell you what: that snake won't need a meal for 3 months!
"And on the sixth day, God said it was GOOD." (Not if you are a freaking roo on THAT day, dear God!)
Disappointed, I thought it was about a snake-eating kangaroo!
Farkel I'd love to know how he managed to get the kangaroo. I think your right it is probably a joey or a wallaby however... I have had a hunt around with my good friend, google, and can't find anything. I also checked snopes to see if it was some photo trickery but it wasn't listed in their website...
Miss Peaches that was amazing!
Thankyou for posting those.