Hello all! So yesterday my two soon to be stepkids boy12,girl 9, came over for a visit with their dad. Their mom is a dub, her dad is an elder, my man is D'Fd.
Anyway, I was just sitting in my room feeding the baby when girl comes in and asks if im gonna start throwing her birthday parties. I said why do you ask and she said that she was just thinkin about it. Oh, keep in mind that I sent an email a couple of days before to my mans cun# of a sister because she called my newborn a mistake and kinda went off the deep end, calling her names, threatining lots of violence if she ever said anything like that again(which I meant) , and concluded with "and while you will be busy with the rest of your pathetic little existance, being miserable within your bullsh!@ religion, I, along with Mark, alex(the new baby) and the stepkids will lead normal happy lives, full of birthday parties, Christmas, friends, joy, peace, and yes perhaps even a blood transfusion or two!" I was just kinda running off at the mouth, but I think that she mighta said something to their mom.
So I asked Mark what he thought and he said to do whatever I wanted. Also keep in mind that I have a 5 year old from a previous relatoinship who these poor kids are gonna have to watch have his own birthdays, and everything else and their baby half-brother too. I cant imagine how bad that is gonna make them feel, so I jumped at the chance. I told her that if she wanted one I would throw her the best one I could. The only thing that has me concerned is the fact that the ex might get pissed at my man and cause drame that we dont need. Also I have a little guilt about doing something that is against what their mother believes, not alot but a little. Maybe I should invite her. Any opinions?