ooo girl you're asking for it .. if it wasn't for that damn bass strait! I'd paddle right over and paddle right over lol
telegram .. paging Dr Jekyll
by unclebruce 45 Replies latest jw friends
waffled bum, but only with treakil ;) ...oooo that sounded really off hehe
unclebruce rather than battle the shallow straight I'd suggest catching Spirit 111 (ex syd), no-one else does, so you'd probably have it all to yourself ;) hehe x
Can anyone decifer what ol' ballistic has morsed in? Look at that cheeky grin!
James Free
What I want to know is, why should the fools get their own day?
It ain't fair!
What about us? Why can't we have our day too?
You can have the rest of the year to be ...
-... . . . .--.
you calling ozzie a Big Slow Prick?! ... --- that's not very nice ballistic ... we're seeing your dank side now lol.
-... . . . .--.
reads -... * . * . * . * . - - . * !
Dr Jekyll
I reckon its a satanic message in Morse, its probably some evil spell to get single girls to perform lewd acts on him. he placed it in this thread cos he knows the chicks are hot for us and that they'd all be crawling all over this thread
Dr Jekyll
either that or its a request for help because someone put superglue on his sunnies before he put them on top of his head
debil frog for you Dr J! yeah, that must be it?!! ;) hehe