Here are some more notes from CO meeting with elders (I posted more notes a couple of months ago). Each visit the CO meets w/elders and discusses the latest policies from the Branch. These aren't verbatim. I couldn't write everything word-for-word because he was reading too fast.
Trends are that pioneers are losing their joy and slowing down. High gas prices are also affecting pioneers; can you drive your car when working with pioneers? Questions to ask pioneers: How is your scedule working out? Do you enjoy pioneering?
Disruptive individuals at meetings
A former JW coming to meeting can be admitted if he conducts himself properly. Ignore minor disturbances, if the person continues to cause disturbance ask him to leave or you will call police. Tell police the person's invitation has been revoked and may charge with trespassing, contact Legal Department. Do not touch the person. If a Witness is attacked the Witness may protect himself and the elders can assist. It is ok to defend oneself even striking out against a physically aggressive attacker.