Muslims can never live North of Artic Circle

by stillajwexelder 11 Replies latest social current

  • stillajwexelder

    Muslims can never live North of Artic Circle - or south of Antartic circle - because in Summer sun never sets - and if Ramadan falls in Summer , they could never eat or drink - because only supposed to after sundown

    Which raises a question - would be difficult for JWs because even in April - days are long and hence difficult to pass emblems around until very late

  • daystar

    HAHAH!! Good points! Never occurred to me.

  • Finally-Free
    Which raises a question - would be difficult for JWs because even in April - days are long and hence difficult to pass emblems around until very late

    They would just do it according to the time the sun sets in Brooklyn.


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Isn't it impossible for ANYONE to live in those places? Or am I just geographically inept?

  • Elsewhere
  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Oh. So it's the latter.

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah... and then there are the scientists who live in small outposts in the Arctic and Antarctic.

    Them damned humans manage to wiggle their way into every crevasse of the earth. Anyone got some Raid?


    SInce Allah is the moon god of the ancient Arabian pagans, Ramadan only falls in the winter because the nights are the longest during winter.

  • james_woods

    But if they were on either the N pole or the S pole, how could they face the East to pray?

    Off with their satanic heads!

  • stillajwexelder

    But if they were on either the N pole or the S pole, how could they face the East to pray? Off with their satanic heads! Yes they could only ever look south from the north pole or north from the south pole

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