I need to know

by cosmic 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billygoat
    I hope my children love me. I hope they have lots of good feelings for me. I'm really happy when they call me. (My 17 year old musician just called while I was typing this) When they remember all the things I did for them, it makes me happy. When they show me that they appreciate me being their mom, it makes my heart burst with joy. I only have good thoughts for my children...oh wait God said something like that too...for God so loved the world...

    ...sometimes religion has misrepresented Gods love for us. The WTBTS did.

    This is my belief. That if we have a healthy relationship with God (like Kate mentions above) then we WANT to worship Him. Just like my marriage to Neil, I take the good and the bad. And yes, sometimes there are times of drought in my relationship with God - where I just don't feel close to Him. I am just now crawling out of a period like that over the last couple months. It is difficult. But just like going through a rough period with your spouse, you come out on the other side stronger and yes, happier. I do believe that the WTS has painted a very BAD picture of who God is. I believe He is in Heaven cringing at how many people look at Him, because it's not Truth. And I do believe that someday He will present that Truth to those that have an incorrect vision of who He is.

  • daystar

    I think it's good to dig cosmic. I don't have any evidence that any sort of god exists outside the realm of the mind. So, that changes my view on whether or not any sort of god should be worshipped. I may as well worship Mickey Mouse.

    That being said, I also think that we are, as well, mental constructs. I mean that our personas are. I feel myself to be "real". So, if I decide to give credence within my own mind and heart to a god, they may very well be just as real as I am.

    The trick is, I think, not to allow others to dictate what any god-form is or is not, to me.

  • mdb

    Worship God because He is holy.

    Exalt the Lord our God,
    And worship at His holy hill;
    For the Lord our God is holy.
    ~Psalm 99:9

    He is the giver of life and worthy of all our praise. Why wouldn't you worship your creator?


    Bacause He created you. That is why you owe God worship.

    However, if you believe that you evolved from the goo, through the zoo, to you, then why even bother ask the question?

  • jstalin
    Bacause He created you. That is why you owe God worship.

    However, if you believe that you evolved from the goo, through the zoo, to you, then why even bother ask the question?

    God seems rather insecure if he demands worship for the act of creating us.

    God creates humans with free will and then tells us that if we use that free will in a way that breaks his illogical and arbitrary rules, he will damn us. I simply don't get it. That's selfish and childish. Sounds like god has "little man syndrome," also known as "Napoleon syndrome."

  • SwordOfJah

    What helps me is to understand Jehovah's qualities such as holiness, power, self-restraint, justice, courage, mercy, wisdom, humility, love, compassion, loyalty, and goodness.

    Jehovah represents the very pinnacle, the loftiest standard possible, of every precious attribute. When we try to grasp the sum of his qualities, we perceive that he is far more than a great, admirable Personage. He is overwhelmingly glorious, immeasurably higher than we are. Without question, Jehovah is our rightful Sovereign, and he certainly deserves our worship.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I agree with Apostate Kate; don't confuse religion with worship. Next, define worship. What was 'worship' for Adam and Eve? Eating, playing, making babies, happily going about their lives.

    Humans are the ones who have turned it into a druggery.

  • RunningMan

    That's a good question, and one that was posed to none other than Homer Simpson. I believe he answered it best. Witness the exchange:

    Ak : If the Lord is all-powerful, why does He care whether we worship Him or not? Ak just saying.

    Homer : Well, Ak, it's because God is powerful, but also insecure, like Barbara Streisand before James Brolin. Oh, he's been a rock.

  • acadian

    Who does God worship?

  • acadian

    I can't imagine whatever made everything, needing any type of worship from me, (Does God have a ego?) but I do think showing respect for the "ALL" what ever it is, is a good thing. you know, taking care of each other and the earth we live on.

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