is living a good life....
I'm not sure who said it, but is it ever so true. The JWs think that once we leave the "protection" of the WTS, we are doomed to wander through life aimlessly and without purpose. And, maybe I did that for a little while.
BUT, I have been on a mission to take my life back from those rotten SOBs. Phase One was getting rid of the baggage from years of WTS brainwashing. Thank you to Simon and all the wonderful Apostates who post here on JWD. I wouldn't have been able to do that without you all.
I've been working on the second phase since July. Get back my health. It's so easy to let you health go when you don't "have a hope for the future." However, I do have a hope for the future. Since July of last year:
-I have lost 102 lbs and six pant sizes.
-I no longer have to take medicine for my diabetes.
-I no longer have to take any medicine for acid reflux.
-I no longer have to use my CPAP machine when I sleep.
-My high blood pressure medicine dosage has been cut in half.
-My fatty liver syndrome has been slowly correcting itself.
-My cholesterol number, while never "bad" has been improving.
The last time my "friends" I grew up with, spoke with me (I was just weak then), they kept asking me, "But, are you happy?" I wasn't then, which is what they want. They have to believe that happiness can only come from Jehobah and his Bumbling Body in Brooklyn.
That was then, this is now. If any of my former "friends" are lurking on this board, I can honestly say, "Yes, I'm the happiest I have EVER been." Happiness does come from God, but He doesn't require you to belong to a specific club, like the WTS, to be happy. There are "myriads upon myriads" of apostates out in the real world. Happy, happy apostates with normal, productive lives. I am proud to say I am one of them.