Thanks for your efforts. It is appreciated!
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-2-06 WT Study (Increasing Light)
by blondie 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
For someone to undertake a task like the one you do, by taking apart the WT study article just for one week is a great undertaking!
But to do it week after's amazing. I no longer read the study article from the magazine (for at least 4 months now), but look forward to your posting every weak.
GREAT JOB. A wealth of information that I probably would not have thought to question on my own. MANY MANY THANKS!!!!!!!
So many talking points . I can hardly believe that they have the gall to rehash their past mistakes and call it progress, but I guess that is the WTS for you. I was just as guilty, once I know. Thank God I can see more clearly now.P 3 "Just as replacing an inferior metal with a superior one denotes improvement, J W's have experienced improvements in their organizational arrangements"
Like taking away the assembly food and drink. Like removing the elders rotation . How many would say that it was an improvement?
In the list of "brighter light" i actually learned something . In 1999 I was already inactive , time flies! This important change passed me by.
w96 6/1 p. 17 pars. 12-13 Flight to Safety Before the "Great Tribulation" ***What is that modern-day "disgusting thing"? The evidence points to the League of Nations, which went into operation in 1920, shortly after the world entered its time of the end. But how could that be a "disgusting thing that causes desolation"?
Remember, the Hebrew word for "disgusting thing" is used in the Bible principally with reference to idols and idolatrous practices. Was the League idolized? Indeed it was! The clergy put it "in a holy place," and their followers proceeded to give it passionate devotion. The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America declared that the League would be "the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth." The U.S. Senate received an avalanche of mail from religious groups urging it to ratify the Covenant of the League of Nations. The general body of Baptists, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians in Britain lauded it as "the only available instrument for attaining [peace on earth]."—See Revelation 13:14, 15
w99 5/1 p. 17 par. 16 "Let the Reader Use Discernment" ***Since the start of the great tribulation is yet future, is the "standing in a holy place" still ahead of us? Evidently so. While "the disgusting thing" made its appearance early in this century and has, thus, existed for decades, it will take a position in a unique way "in a holy place" in the near future. As first-century followers of Christ must have keenly watched to see how the "standing in a holy place" would develop, so do present-day Christians. Admittedly, we will have to wait for the actual fulfillment to know all the details.
So, all that stuff about the "Political expression of Gods kingdom on Earth" was pure baloney? at the stroke of a w.p. and a M.E.P.S machine they just change the belief of decades ?
Should we be asking about them at the time being a NGO?
I dont know, but it does remind me of Ray Franz's comments about the WT illustration of a sailing ship tacking to get to its destination. He said something like - the ship may go side to side or diagonally, but it always goes forward, never backwards ...That is not tacking, it is a retreat.
They are fond of likening it to Biblical changes, like expanding the Christian ministry from Jews to include Samaritans ,then Gentiles. But each of those was a simple expansion, and had been always planned and foretold by Jesus anyway, not a complete reversal.
Just goes to show, they do not know what they are doing, where they are going, a simple man made religion, that's all.
Btw they could have said about the new light that , aluminium cooking pots are not going to poison you, inoculations are not evil and wrong, it is not cannibalism to have an organ transplant, and by the way, black people are not going to turn white in the New World. But they did not mention those.
Will Power
the WT calls it "tacking" like a ship zigzagging along
the bible....Ephesians 4:14...As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; -
Beautiful work. I love your weekly comments but at the same time I cringe. It is sickening that at one time I accepted this so whole heartedly.
Thank you for the insight
Our visiting speaker today at the end of the WT study during the review did bring up the generation change and that it was a little hard at first knowing that it might be a little longer than we anticipated before the end. He said that at first it made it seem like the end would be a long way off, but realized that we have to look at things Jehovah's way.
BTW, another brother commented that the New World Translation was put together by a "committee of experts" and that college professors used it to teach Greek to their students. I believe the "committee" was pretty much a committee of one, Fred Franz.
Well I attended this study and it was so full of kiss-ass answers I just could not stop smirking. The society constantly changing is good, we are keeping up with Jehovahs celestial organization - a few commented that the generation change had upset them at first and was difficult but eventually they cultivated the right attitude
Good review, Blondie. What struck me too was how they avoided mentioning the 1995 change in the generation doctrine.
Amazing. Those mealy-mouthed bastards could've at least couched it in their appeasing lingo of propaganda. This sort of omission is in fact a big lie. They mention the change in the understanding of "Christian jubilee" and Ezekiel's temple (wow they're so important I didn't even remeber when exactly they changed them). These two are minor issues compared to the generetion 1914 hype, so the uninformed reader has the impression of reading a very detailed historical overview, which in fact fails to mention on of the biggest doctrinal changes since the 1975 fiasco.
Pole -
Beware!!! of the side effects of "New Light Syndrome"
Great stuff as usual Blondie. If you ever make a CD of all of your WT reviews, please let me know, because I'd buy one in a flash
of new lightThank you again.