I see y'all upload your pics and I felt sooo left out, so.. here it is, here I am:
(yes, I know I badly need a haircut in this pic)
by osmosis 55 Replies latest jw friends
I see y'all upload your pics and I felt sooo left out, so.. here it is, here I am:
(yes, I know I badly need a haircut in this pic)
VERY nice.
Dont cut the hair....
beachbugg: too late! lol
Awww, but the longer hair made you look very Northern Exposure-ish.
Thanks osmosis, Who's a handsome boy then? ..lol
And what's the significance of standing on a railway bridge .. .. for us exjws there's always metaphoric symbolism and heavy anti-typical freudean underpants undercurrents (even if we haven't a clue what that means).
huh unc?.....antifruedism?...Even with a haircut I'm sure you still lookumm.....very nice.
Great to meet ya!
there is no significance to the railway, it just happens to be where my friend thought a good picture could happen.
Sorry to disappoint.
Dating myself, but you are a James Taylor, (singer) look-alike, when he had hair back in the 70's. Edited to add: BTW, cute!
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, a young James Taylor. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000002KB3.01._PE50_.Sweet-Baby-James._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg