Was there anything that you were taught that made you think twice regarding the Watchtower's interpetation?? The scripture about Jesus raising the temple in 3 days sounded like he was going to raise himself back to life. I never really understood that scripture. The fact that you weren't supposed to judge your brother yet the elders regularly do just that never sat right with me either.....Anything that bothered you??
Scriptures/Beliefs That Never Sat Right With You
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Where to start?
I had a problem with the 'do more' mentality: meetings, field service, Bible study. I just didn't see all that was required from reading the scriptures.
Lot having sex with his daughters.Lot offering his daughters to the mob for sex.
The Levite giving his concubine to the mob to be gang-raped and then his cutting up the body up into 12 pieces.
David not being put to death for committing adultery and murder.
The entire 144,000 "thingy"...never "got" it...always questioned it...felt it unfair and biased all along.
"Counting Time"....always found it morally repugnant...and very anti- Christ.
Only Witnoids were "saved"... didn't seem just... and very "elitist".
Women couldn't "teach"...hell the men sure as hell couldn't teach...How could a woman possibly do any worse (in the Dub universe)?
EVERYTHING was either deemun inspired or of "pagan" origins...*****sigh*****... Gawd help us all!
Never question the "society"... Do you know how f*cking wierd it sounds to hear someone say...."The Society"?
That "god" had "regrets"...WTF? Their deity Jeeehooba sounds more like Charlie Manson than an Almighty Loving Deity...Pissant!
u/d(of the NEVER AGAIN class)
Mornin Minimus
I don't know if this experience fits this thread, but I'm gonna say it anywho.
Remember when a householder would offer us THEIR literature....and we we're instucted NOT to accept it? One of the classic JW lines we used was..." I came to YOUR door. If you want me to accept your literature, you'll have to come to my door".
We made it sound as though we'd take their stuff....IF they came to our door, always KNOWING they would never do so. I always wondered what the hell I'd do or say if they DID actually ask for my address and come to my door.
In all honesty, I've taken their literature before ( while at THEIR door ), only to read a little and dismiss it as christendoms garbage.
Blondie, all these things you mention have one thing in common: sex.
Just getting started, min.
Women are secondary because they are the "weaker" vessel...because they have their periods once a month.
Jesus is Michael the archangel.
Children will die forever because of the choices of their parents.
People will die forever even though they don't receive an indivdual "witness."
It is the official position that if you don't get a witnesses, tough luck. But COs have privately told Witnesses that have questioned this to simply "wait on Jehovah and leave it in his hands".
- The idea that the incarceration and later release of Rutherford and others in 1918-19 was a fulfillment of prophecy.
- That Watchtower conventions, resolutions, etc. were some of the "bowls", "trumpet blasts" and plagues in Revelation.
- That everyone who was not a JW was dead meat.
- That thousands of years of suffering in the world takes place just because Adam and Eve ate some lousy fruit that didn't belong to them.
The JW version of John 1:1. Had to do my OWN research to try to figure that one out. Never could. Just seemed to be a scripture specially tweaked to push the party line.