This site is about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not a JW. I married one instead. I come here for information and support.
I'm not sure what you want to do with your JW friends.
Get them to stop sending you literature? Print off a few research articles on 607 and wave it in their face. They will evaporate like water in the noonday Texas sun.
Make them stop being Witnesses? Free will kind of interferes with that.
Help them think for themselves? Research the history and background of the Watchtower Society and Steve Hassan's book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and come up with a two year plan to introduce independent thinking in their lives.
Display neighbourly kindness? This may be the best gift of all. JW's don't expect undeserved kindness from the world. Shake their world a little bit and help babysit, send over cookies, or go to a movie together. Tell them that literature placement is received as an insult, you'd rather have their time instead.