One more step in becoming a human being again. I gave blood for the first time in my life. It felt good. For once in my life I could actually help someone else instead of condeming them to death by our "Loving God". I am curious though, if the JW's now allow fractions who do they expect to give blood so that they can live?
I gave Blood today...
by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends
, if the JW's now allow fractions who do they expect to give blood so that they can live?
That, my friend, is a great question. I often wonder that, and i dont know the answer.
Mabey there is no answer. Just one of the crazy rules of the org, that no one is supposed to question.
My wife needed blood after chidbirth. That was the defining moment when we realised god would not ask us to die, with life being so sacred to him.
Although we left the "truth" from that moment, and were confident it was the right decission, my wife still felt guilt over the transfusions (after a lifetime of growing up as a JW). So i went out and gave blood. Just to help her share the burden around.
Congratulations on you're decission to help save anothers life.
I am curious though, if the JW's now allow fractions who do they expect to give blood so that they can live?
Excellent question, but that would require the org to actually give some intelligent thought to something. Its easier to spew out rules and doctrines for the mindless DUBS to follow.. Congrats on giving blood for the first time.. ITs a great feeling isnt' it..
I gave blood for the first time last month.. Then I found out that I am in the small percentage of the population ,7% to be exact, to have a blood type that is universal.. They can use it on anyone .Makes me feel kinda special..Its so nice to free of the org and be able to do the things that can actually help people instead of handing them a lame tract or mag !!!!
Well done that donated blood may save a life in mortal danger as happened so many times before, as for the JWs I can't understand why they don't do some auto transfusions at least so as not to burden the blood bank for blood components. It is such a messy and convoluted way as they gradually lift the ban in small steps.
Thanks Phil, I really appreciate it. I was heading down to Best Buys, a big electronics chain here in the States to buy a video game. At age 51 I still have the kid in me for video games. Anyway there was a Red Cross Blood Mobile parked in front. I had thought of donating blood for about 2 years since my DA. Well, I never got around to it or chickened out. I decided it was time and went in. It took about an hour to fill out various forms and such and have the blood drawn. I left and didn't think much about it. Now, mind you I am a "Manly Man" I drive truck for a living etc. Never show emotions like a fool. I got home and for no reason I can explain I began to cry. I have never reached out to touch another human like this before.
After working the ER for many years, the nursing profession thanks all that give blood. I've seen sooo many times the lifes it as saved.When I donate blood, I have the fantasy that my apostate, pagan blood may be the blood that flows thru some JW!!!
In the same way that JWs can accept help during a disaster from the Red Cross without donating any money, so they accept products made from expired stored blood without giving blood themselves.
Good for you, zeroday. I gave for the 10th time last week.
I figure if I am healthy enough to give blood, I will continue to do so.
I'm due to give on the jw reject Jesus memorial day! fitting, I think.
That's always a good question. Since the early days of the watchtower has flipped and flooped over the issue more times then me changing my cigarette brand. Christ gave up His blood to allow us, sinners, to live. As for the issue of blood scripture does tell us to drain all animals of blood before we consume the animal. Saving lives.......consider a few things....It has been reported that families of JWs would rather let their children die, before they have a transfuction. Then consider this......with so much confusion on the blood issue don't all you think that a God like Jehovah can forgive these sins? And believe it or one and I mean no one can do Jehovah favors. It's He that is doing all of us favors to allow us to live, in sin, in His world. want to know the Truth.....ok.....everything in this universe belongs to Jehovah.....HE created it.......that would make it His. PEACE
I just signed up to give for the first time ever this Tuesday.
I don't understand how JWs in the medical field (esp doctors) can know so much about blood, know the JW doctrines and STILL refuse it. Makes no sense to me.