I read in your profile where you state that evolution is the reason for your leaving the organization. That's interesting. Care to elaborate and does this mean you no longer (if you ever did) subscribe to a belief in creationism?
by ><> 13 Replies latest jw friends
I read in your profile where you state that evolution is the reason for your leaving the organization. That's interesting. Care to elaborate and does this mean you no longer (if you ever did) subscribe to a belief in creationism?
Thats correct, I don't believe in any form of creationism. While still an active JW I attended university in the US and got a B.S. in Physics from Western Michigan University, I've always believed that evolution was a scientificly varifiable fact, but it wasn't until going into my new area of study that I released how my biological support their is. I never thought this was a reason not to believe in creation per say, but once I consider the 'offical' position of the WTS I released that I could not believe in evolution and remain an active JW as well. Click on my came and go to topic history and look at my frist post, I explained my reasons for leaving. Feel free to ask any questions you like.
~ SoL
So, is your position on evolution one without any intelligent design possibility?
Was it simply their position on the matter or the position all together that was a conflict for you?
Frist you must understand the nature of evolution, it is not random as commonly believed. Evolution is a process of continual improvement. Is their a posibility that God played a role in guiding evolution? Posibily, but the results would be no different than if he didn't.
I know exactly what evolution is, that isn't what I was asking. The question was more about whether or not is was the JW stand in particular that got to you or was it the stand altogether?
Well, it was the stand in general, but after more research I have decided the only rational view to take is one of agnostic or athestic view point. That is my offical stand now.
Have you read any of the recent papers of atheist Prof. Anthony Flew? Or a book entitled The Wonder of the World:A Journey From Modern Science to the MInd of God, by Varghese? Good insight to the applicaton of reconciliation between intelligent design and evolution.
I have an open mind to the subject, I will look into if I find the time.
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on the party but I have the same viewpoints as Sickoflies.
I have read some of Prof Flews literature, both when he was an atheist and subsequent theist. His arguments for a 'prime mover' or 'first cause' type of creator aren't anything new and have been postulated by the ID community for a while. I have a hard time accepting his viewpoints as there's very little science in his ideas and they're mostly of the philosophical kind and his understanding of evolutionary science is outdated.
It was big news when Prof Flew changed his atheist views to some sort of theist theory but it must be remembered that he isn't a scientist, he's a philospher.
Here's a bit of discourse about Flew by Richard Carrier-
NWT, good responce, his responces are a-typical of anyone in the creationist cricle. Their position, no matter how well thought out, can only be classifed as a matter of faith. Their will never be (in my opinion) any real evidence to back up their point of view. However, as a scientist I will always examine anything someone comes up with to see if I'm wrong, but as a certian someone in the creationist circle once said, I will pay $100,000 to anyone than can prove their creationist claims to be true.