Nice bastismal font sis McDucket,
Better than the barrel they dunked Carmel in at the drainpipe of an Alaskan KH.
Yep brother bumcrack's a worry - symbolic of the lack of dignity inherant in JW ritual.
I've thrown out almost all my JW photos - if only I'd known about the internet.
Ms M - I'd really like to ask posters the following but aren't sure of the protocol - would I be "hijacking" this thread by asking it here or "hijacking" this thread by taking it to a new thread? If I'm fluff-jacking - just thump me.
Poll - Where were you baptised?:
1) A Special JW tub
2) A muddy pond beside the road (Outback SA)
3) A spar bath
4) A plastic swimming pool
5) A concrete swimming pool
6) A river
7) A lake
8) The ocean
9) A wine barrel
10) Other please specify _______________
unclebruce class 4 (not hijaking I hope)