Hey everyone. Its been a while since i have posted here. I finally made the big move and am no longer in Minneapolis. I am officially a resident of Albert lea. I have been here for 3 weeks and for the most part they have been kind of rough, but hey what move doesn't suck.
I have seen my little boy at least 3 times a week and have got to spend some quality time with him. so that is a major plus!!! Also i have been spending time with all the family I haven't seen much in the 11 years of absence from the area.
I have to admit though..it has really been hard on me finacially but I have been working with my brother building his house so that has helped me with funding and i had forgotten how much i really enjoyed working with my hands and doing framing, tile, plumbing and all that jazz. We put in some crazy long hours but thats ok, i am working with my brother so the hours just fly by as we catch up the time we have missed. I am really proud of him.
I had my main job interview on friday and got the job! I will be working with Adults and minors in a residential setting that are DD and have extreme behaviors. I was also surprised to get more than i asked for in the $$$$ catagory...always a perk.
all in all it has been positive so far..just gets lonely now and then. All of my friends are in Minneapolis and while family is great. Minneapolis was still my home and I feel homesick from time to time.
The main thing is that I am seeing my boy and we are making up for lost time!