Crazy Naomi Cambell

by MsMcDucket 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Her mom is a JW, maybe she can help her daughter, eh?

  • luna2

    I read about this a couple days ago. Yeah, its an allegation, but she apparently has a bit of a history of losing control of her temper and attacking employees. I suppose its possible that this gal, knowing of past incidents, could have made it up. Guess time will tell. Its a shame any way you look at it. Either Naomi has severe anger management problems or she has employees trying to rip her off with false accusations.

  • cheen

    Hopefully for the employee, it was a camera phone and it snapped a pic right as it smashed against the forehead, lol

  • delilah

    I think she is absolutely crazy!!! and Spoiled rotten...and needs to be taught a lesson, that it's NOT ok to treat people the way she does. She is NOT a queen, for even the Queen has better manners than that!!! Maybe her drug use earlier on could have caused a great deal of her anger, but I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that she was raised a JW until she was's just her personality. And, quite frankly, it stinks!

    I hope the person she has assaulted, this time, wins this lawsuit, big time!!! Naomi Campbell, is a nasty person.

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