Stomach flu or somethin' all weekend
excuse me...
by DanTheMan 19 Replies latest jw friends
Great diet trick dan the man..!
I'm stirring guys....!
Hope you feel better soon. Go get a shot of maxolan from your doctor if it continues and keep drinking plenty of water so you don't get dehydrated.
Do you have a headache? That's a sure sign of dehydration. If you do I would be seeing the doctore today...
oh um yeah.... its probably night time over there isn't it? My bad.
Last week I ate something that made me very sick! That hasnt happened for many years. I think it was the fresh jalapenos I chopped into an omelette.......eeeeeewwwwww.
All night long I was in terrible pain and acid burned my tummy.
Then all of a sudden around 1am nature took over......
And soon all the pain was over with a *flush*
It's really going around here also! Try to drink sports drinks so that you don't get dehydrated! I got the flu so bad one year, that I did get dehydrated and had to stay a few days in the hospital.
You can always make your own if you can't get out:
1 liter of water, 8 teaspoons sugar, and 1 teaspoon salt. Make sure the measurements are accurate!!!
Keep sipping on this and it will really help!!! (Then add clear liquids only for a while and see if you can keep that down.)
Some of the over-the-counter products work well, like Thera-flu and Nyquil...there's not too much you can do but let it run it's course. Do go to the dr. if it gets too much to handle! Both my elderly parents have it right now.
Swalker (sometimes acts like a nurse!)
Try to drink sports drinks so that you don't get dehydrated!
haha, the last vomiting episode was Lemon Gatorade and chicken soup. Yummy! Didn't make it to the commode either, so I've got some cleaning up to do.
My sis thinks I might have a kidney stone or appendicitis. I haven't had chills or fever through any of this, and I do have persistent dull pain around my kidneys.