This would be a good questions from readers.......Having read several scriptures about how the judges heard judicial case in the public court that all would see that true justice was served and know why a person was being stoned if it should come to type of punishment...what scriptural bases does the society have for conducting judicial cases in secret and then expect everyone to shun(stone) some one with out knowing what the crime was. I would love so see what scriptures if any they could come up with.
This would be a good Question from readers about Judicial Committees
by scrubmaster 11 Replies latest jw experiences
good question..send it in..
although i've long suspected " questions from readers" is really " questions made up by the writers"
Insight Volume-1
p. 518 Court, Judicial ***The local court was situated at the gate of a city. (De 16:18; 21:19; 22:15, 24; 25:7; Ru 4:1) By "gate" is meant the open space inside the city near the gate. The gates were places where the Law was read to the congregated people and where ordinances were proclaimed. (Ne 8:1-3) At the gate it was easy to acquire witnesses to a civil matter, such as property sales, and so forth, as most persons would go in and out of the gate during the day. Also, the publicity that would be afforded any trial at the gate would tend to influence the judges toward care and justice in the trial proceedings and in their decisions
***what scriptural bases does the society have for conducting judicial cases in secret and then expect everyone to shun(stone) some one with out knowing what the crime was.***
scriptural basis? they don't need no stinkin scriptural basis...
"so that all would see that true justice was served"
Now, there's where the assumption would be wrong. If you discuss the JCs with elders very long, you will discover that the de facto reason for JCs is for "protection", it has nothing to do with "justice". If the JC was held in public, some R&F person(s) might become a bit confused and the congo would all end up having to eat a "trust us, we're here to help you."
Its not in the scriptures, its just that they don't want anyone tring to protect the innocent, and seeing their corruption.
moggy lover
Hmmmm..... Good point scrubmaster.
Interesting to note that in his book "In search of Christian Freedom" Ray Franz adresses this issue under the sub-heading: "A Course Unsupported By Biblical Precedent" [pg 324]
" questions made up by the writers"
I never thought about that one -- that would make a lot of sense while nothing that could not be explained would end up in the questions from readers. Or at least nothing to controversial.
That would be a good question Scrubmaster. The
victimaccused should at least have the option to be tried in front of his or her peers, but it's only varying levels of rough justice however you cut it.