Will the "Deliverance at Hand" convention cause the WT to release new book

by booker-t 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • VM44

    Well, that was easy to find again!

    It is at the "Million Book Project"


    J.F. Rutherford, Deliverence, 1926

    The book is in DJVU format, so you will need a viewer to read it. LizardTech has a free one you can download


  • garybuss

    We know the Watch Tower Corporation uses conventions to introduce new products to the sales staff. There will be new products introduced.

    We know the Watch Tower Corporation is a multi media production and printing company, and we know all conventions are ONLY for the purpose of promoting the Watch Tower Corporation and raising funds for the Watch Tower Corporation.

    They produce books, tapes, CD's, and videos. Their main business is soliciting donations, both door to door from strangers and from their own members at Watch Tower Corporation sponsored meetings. Their second cash producing business is sponsoring events and conventions and collecting donations at those. The third equity business is the real estate development and speculating business.

    A huge sub business is the soliciting and managing of the proceeds of wills, trusts, and cash assets of loyal members. This is their lowest road and they pursue it with impunity.

  • blondie

    anewme, actually it is a more a kelly green book (the your will be done book is a lighter yellow-green).

    Ezekiel chapter 9 is the one they use to show that children will die forever for their parents sins.

  • lawrence

    Newest Book ... 'Fear and Loathing At Bethel / Date Rape of the Innocents'. OR

    'Are Adam and Judas going to be resurrected?' OR

    'Was Judge Rutherford a glue huffer?'

    My bets are on #1. Any takers?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    They could revise the "Let God Be True" revision, perhaps calling it "Let God Be TruER"


  • Clam
    I think they should do an update of Rutherford's books "Millions Now Living Will Die After All".

    LOL yes, or in a more transparent vein - Billions Now Living Will Hopefully Soon Be Dead

  • heathen

    Um how bout " The web , not just for porn and apostates" . or " apostates are people too".

  • Mary

    LMAO @ Lawrence! Lawrence, I'll bet 30 shekels on # 3: 'Was Judge Rutherford a glue huffer?'

  • luna2

    Lawrence's books sound like they'd be much more fun to study than some dry, crumbly, confusing BS about Ezekiel.

  • hamsterbait

    I was surprised at how much of the "Revelation " book was just a complete rehash of Judge Boozerfords book "Light" from the 1930s.

    Updated to hide their mistake about the Hague court of International Justice founded at the turn of the century being the "Beast that was" - change of the great crowd to earthly class (despite Freddie claiming to understand greek).

    That' s about it.

    Franz wrote most of these, and let Rutherford take the credit. That lie alone shows how christian they really were.

    If you ever read "Vindication" the new Ezekiel book rehashes a lot of that too, with changes to hide their errors and misrepresentation of facts.


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