Everythings breaking

by ballistic 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I just spent 1000 pounds on a new central heating boiler. It's not installed yet so I have no heating. The picture has gone permanently blue on my main TV. I was making a sandwich today and the knife snapped off from the handle. Next my flat mate reports the shower has stopped working. It looks like the thermal cut out tripped and the unit is now in a position of "reduce temperature". What next? I always half expect things to last forever, but this week it's gone crazy. I guess they don't make things like they used to...

    If anyone knows anything about electric showers...

  • kls
    If anyone knows anything about electric showers...

    Is that like standing in a shower then sticking your finger in the electric outlet ? ZAP!!!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,Scared ya

  • Woofer

    The think what you described are the signs that the end is near!

  • luna2

    I hate that! The things breaking thing. Stuff is supposed to last forever or at least until I die from old age.

    My washing machine went kahblooey which is really a bummer because now I have to go to the laundromat until I save up for a new washer and dryer. Luckily the old dryer is still working so I only have to hang around the landromat for about a half an hour and cart my wet clothes home to dry.

    My dishwasher started making a funny noise and I got really depressed...but it was nothing, just a spoon fallen where it didn't belong. Phew!

    I don't even know what an electric shower is, ballistic. Hope you can get everything fixed without too much trouble.

  • Poodles

    Sounds like someone is having a bad week, now that the worst is over, nothing but the best will come!!


  • bikerchic
    I guess they don't make things like they used to...

    LOL ballistic!

    Sorry for your troubles! Although I can't explain the reason's for the knife and TV I do know from buying my first new home that the things like heaters, water heaters and pipes, air conditioners and kitchen appliances all come with a certain life expectancy. What I found is most of these things are about 8 to 10 years so it makes sense that they tend to all go bad around the same time. It sucks when that happens, but it does!

    Besides if everything lasted forever eventually factories would go out of business and there would be no reason to purchase new replacements and that would ruin the worlds economy, or something like that. d'oh!

    Anyway think of it as doing your part keeping the economic good of the world intact. I know it sucks to have all that responsibility on ya.

    Hang in there this too will pass.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I don't know anything about electric showers,

    What I do know is that yes everything has a life expectancy. And we went through something like that recently in our home where everything just went at once.

    I look at it as a test. I can react with anger and get really, really ticked off. Or I can get drunk.

    No just kidding. (although that is one way of dealing with things)

    Or I can react with calmness knowing that yeah, sometimes stuff like this just happens and go with the flow of life and drink, or watch the stars. It's both pretty relaxing.

    good luck



    What is an electric shower????? Boiler...those old heater things that hiss? We live in the 21st Century...what is going on over there?


  • xjwms

    Today the front screen door handle came off in my hand

    The vehicle goes in on thursday for repairs

    and a tenant is moving at the end of this month and I have $$$ repairs to do.

    Currently have a contractor putting on a new roof

    end of month a contractor repairing the driveway

    and I was just given a $950.00 bill for snowplowing and salt this last winter.

  • ballistic

    Thanks for your coments everyone, bet you thought my PC had broke down didn't you?

    What is an electric shower????? Boiler...those old heater things that hiss? We live in the 21st Century...what is going on over there?

    hmmm, no hissing. These are typically used in the UK where the plumbing doesn't include a condensing boiler. The annoying thing is the boiler sat in a cardboard box in my hall is a condensing boiler that will allow me to have instant hot water - so I wont need an electric shower. But it's broke down a couple of weeks early. Do you not see electric showers in the US then?

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