When did Jesus return?

by 2112 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 2112

    I know this has been talked about before but I still find it ...interesting.

    If Jesus did return in 1914(invisibly) why do the JW still observe Passover. Was it not to be observed until he arrived? Well is he here or not? Maybe that is the new light Jesus did not come in 1914 he is coming now, and that would explain why this may be the last memorial.

    Just a thought

  • SickofLies

    Haven't you heard? Jesus is dead, we killed him. If he comes back, we'll just kill him again.

  • garybuss

    They had an article about that in, I think, a QFR. The gist of it is the 1914 deal was a kinda return. More of a "presence" than a return. The "presence" was immediate but the "return" is progressive . . . kinda. We hope this clears up any confusion that teaching 100 years of confusion may have caused.

    PS: this is NOT a good question to ask a believing Witness.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hey there, I think Jesus is here and his presence began in 2001....but that's just me..and I think, only me....

  • Justin

    According to JW belief, Jesus never literally returns to earth. Rather, he turns his attention to the earth in various ways, at various times. His parousia or presence in kingly power began in 1914. He came to the spiritual temple for judgment in 1918. His revelation (apocalypsis) to the world will be at Armageddon. It is his coming for the anointed ones at the time of their deaths which makes further observance of the Memorial unnecessary. As long as they are separated from him in the flesh, he has not yet come for them.

  • Carmel

    1844 in the flesh!

    Ya missed it!


    To Israel He was neither more nor less than the
    incarnation of the "Everlasting Father", the "Lord of
    Hosts" come down "with ten thousands of saints"; to
    Christendom Christ returned "in the glory of the Father";
    to Shí'ah Islam the return of the Imam Husayn; to Sunni
    Islam the descent of the "Spirit of God" (Jesus Christ); to
    the Zoroastrians the promised Shah-Bahram; to the
    Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna; to the Buddhists
    the fifth Buddha.

    (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 234)

  • gumby

    Pay no attention to that caveman behind the curtain*knows carmel is smokin weed again*

    If Jesus did return in 1914(invisibly) why do the JW still observe Passover. Was it not to be observed until he arrived?

    They believe all annointed continue to drink and eat UNTILL they ALL drink it with him "new in the kingdom". They connect the marriage feast( when all are sealed in heaven with Jesus) with the drinking and eating "it" (bread and wine) anew in the heavenly kingdom. This is a figurative meal once it takes place in heaven. They do not believe Jesus has "come" yet....only that he has arrived ( see 'parousia'/presence as copywritten by the witnesses).


  • free2beme

    He returned Monday morning, after being gone for the weekend. It was really annoying, he said he was going out for some milk on Friday and came back Monday, smelling of booze and other woman on Monday. In the same clothes he left in, except his underwear was missing and he claimed the local dog chased him down and ripped them off in some horrible domestic local incident. We are contact the police about this, can not have wild dogs stealing underwear after all. Anyway, he did return and he claims that he has a message from God, but he needs a little sleep and some aspirin before he can give it. He might be truly the son of God though, as he spent a lot of time in front of the toilet and saying "oh god, please help me!"

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    As Gumby has mentioned above, the WTS draws this hair-splitting difference between "Presence-Parousia" and "Coming-Erchomai" [Don't be fooled by the use of the word "arrive" at 1Cor 11:26, the verse we are discussing. The WTS "translates" this same word as "coming" at Jo 11:56, and 2Th1:10 - which incidently should put to rest the vaunted claim by the WTS that their "translation" is the most "consistent" in being a word-equivalent version]

    According to WTS theology, Jesus had His "Parousia" in 1874, oops I mean 1914, but His "erchomai" will be at Armageddon. So the "anointed" will be partaking of the memorial till Christ "comes", ie at Armageddon.

    Funny, that. Especially since the words "erchomai" and "parousia" are used interchangeably at several passags in the NT. Passages even acknowledged by the WTS.

    At Matt 24:45, the most Sacred Text for the JWs in the Bible [I'm almost certain that the JWs genuflect or kiss their NWT Bibles everytime they read this passage], Jesus tells of the FDS which will be at His "erchomai" vs 44. [Notice how the JWs never actually connect the 2 verses of 44, and 45 together. If the "erchomai" of Christ is future, then inevitably,so is the FDS]

    Since 1874, oops - again I mean 1914, Christ has been seen with "spiritual eyes of understanding", and his followers have been pierced for the sake of an invisible Christ, because he "came" [erchomai] when? at Armageddon? no 1914.

    In maintaining artificial distinctions and propounding doctrines that reflect human wisdom, the WTS has shown how bankrupt its theology is

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Darn... that last paragraph but one, should have had a Bible reference: Rev 1:7

    Carry on


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