Witnesses for Jesus....Post search!

by Kristofer 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Kenneson

    The whole New Testament centers upon Jesus. In Jesus name, His disciples heal (Acts 3:6; 4:12) and expel demons (Luke 10:17). Men receive forgiveness of sins in His name (Acts 10:43; 1 Jn. 2:12), they are washed and sanctified in His name (1 Co. 6:11), and there is no other name in which salvation can be attained (Acts 4:12). Baptism is in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38; Rm. 6:3). Anointing in the name of Jesus helps the sick and brings forgiveness of sins (Js. 5:14). The preaching of the Gospel is the preaching of the name of Jesus (Acts 5:40; 8:12; 9:15, 28). Faith in the name of Jesus obtains eternal life (Jn. 3:18; 1 Jn. 5:13). Jesus asks renunciation of the goods of this world for His name (Mt. 19:29) and His disciples must suffer for His name (1 Peter 4:14-16; Acts 5:42; 9:15; John 15:21). The name of Jesus is the power in which the apostle commands (2 Thess. 3:6). The prayers of Christians are uttered in the name of Jesus (Jn. 14:13; 16:26). The Christian acts in the name of Jesus and performs good deeds in the name of Jesus (Mt. 18:5; Col. 3:17). Jesus is present where two or three are assembled in His name (Mt. 18:20) Is it any wonder than that the name of Jesus is above every name (Phil. 2:9-11 and Eph. 1:21)?

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