My mother-in-law found out because a brother who dropped by unexpectly to see why we hadn't come to meetings saw we had a tree in our livingroom. We had just put it up and hadn't quite got around to telling my in-laws. My mother-in-law found out thru gossip in the congregation that we had a tree , didn't believe it was true and came over to see for herself.. So we told her we were disassociating and right affter that,, we officially disasociated ourselve from the JWS.
When any of you became inactive how did you let your family know of this?
by Chico86 11 Replies latest jw friends
I slowly faded over the years. I moved to another town away from the prying eyes of "friends" and family. I just kept moving further and further away. With each move came less visits to the Hall. The policy of don't ask don't tell is my family motto. It works well for us. When I do see my family they spend about 5 mins talking about assemblies, meetings, gossip about people I know and that is it. Then we move on to enjoying our time together. I guess I am lucky considering the other stories that have been posted here. I have known others who have lit torches and stromed the gates, but to no avail. Some of them felt like a weight was off their chest and they were happy with their decision. Others have wished that they had just slowly faded.