Beware: The Publishers Have Printers Now

by unclebruce 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day plough folks,

    Englishman William Tindale was an excellent Greek Scholar. It is said that he was so well versed in seven different Languages that no stranger could determine which one was his native tongue. He was a very committed man and determined to translate the bible into English. He began while living in a small attic room at Sudbury Manour shown above. His English bible was completed and published in December 1525 and a new phase began, how to smuggle the Bibles into England. In an argument one day his debater is reputed to have said, 'We'd had better be without God's Law than the Pope's'. To which Tindale replied: 'I defy the Pope and all his Laws and if God spare me, I will one day make the boy who drives the plough in England to know more of the Scripture than the Pope does. To me he is no saint, tainted as he is by his frienship with the misogynous jew burner Martin Luther.

    The Watchtower Society has bragged long and loud that it is a hero and saviour of the downtrodden. A rich blessing to the weak, the widows, the orphans and the downhearted. They claim William Tindale as one of their own, the Watchtower 'faithful and discreet slave™' being the final link in a linage of righteous men who bought Gods word to the world. They say that they rejoice in the “plough boy” having access to the 'divine word of God.'

    Well big brother, times move on. The plough boy now sits in front of a computer with access to more information than his grandad ever dreamed possible. He has instant links to specialised knowledge in every field imaginable and beyond. He can learn about valid and invalid argument, otherwise known as how to spot a bullsh*ter at one hundred paces. He can tap into the minds of hundreds of others on any given topic and he has the analytical skills to sort out what he believes is most important and useful.

    He has all this and a printer at his side.


    Print this: alt

  • Severus

    Easy downloads of WT Money here.

    Share the Wealth on April 12th! Link

  • unclebruce

    Local Hall won't accept Watchtower dollars? What the heck - write a cheque: (US = check?) alt

  • SickofLies

    I have printed off all the cheques (checks for you americans) and am putting them in blue envlopes with SR-77 filled out with the Governing Body as the disfellowshiped person, for the reasons I am putting all the reasons that are on the cheques. Anyone else think of any creative ways to use this money?

  • ballistic

    Blinking eck SOL, you need to sort your font sizes out!

  • Severus
    I have printed off all the cheques (checks for you americans) and am putting them in blue envloped with SR-77 filled out with the Governing Body as the disfellowshiped person


  • Lo-ru-hamah


    Very informative post. I have two questions 1. What is Mysogynes? and 2. I didn't know that Martin Luther was a jew burner. Do you have any other interesting information about him or suggestions of reading materal on this subject?

    I only know about Luther through the movie recently released about him. It made him look like a man who was truly striving for truth but from your comments it leads me to wonder.

    Anyway, thank you for the post.


  • inquirer

    I use to think Martin Luther was a hero, but when I found out that he persecuted Jews and peasants who wanted equal right I found out how much of a c___ he was! He might have brought Christian freedom (Ray had this thought most likely when he wrote that book -- in CR of CoC he does talk about this bloke) and had some good points, but the way he treated all those everyday people really makes me feel sick. Probably Wycliffe was better -- but then again I might find out awful stuff about him. WHERE ARE THE REAL HEROES!

  • unclebruce

    G'day Loruhamah, Excuse my dislexia - I spelled misogynous wrong. Misogyny: n : hatred of women. Luther is credited with the saying "a women's place is pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen". Martin Luthers diatribes against the Jews (and plough boys) led to a tremendous slaughter of Jews in 14th century Germany. He is credited by many for Nazi contuinuation of the same. unclebruce ps: sorry I have no links, I'm a book person. I'm sure if you google Martin Luther you'll find a wealth of info.

  • unclebruce



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