When a CO who was a friend (not the fake JW style friendship) was assigned to our circuit I had been in a 'new' congregation for about 8 or 9 months. The other brothers and I did not see eye to eye on a whole beaucoup of matters like excessive rules and regulations. When it was our turn for his visit I never let on that we were friends so when Saturday A.M. arrangements for FS were made he just announced out of the blue that he was working with me. The other brothers were crapping in their pants juggling for position to get in our car group. You should have seen the smirks on the faces of the other publishers when they saw the BS going down. Most of them knew I could care less about working with a CO because I was already being 'labeled' in the congregation by the brothers as a malcontent. i just hope my friend gets out from under the spell of the Watchtower one day.
Hate CO Visit
by thepackage 25 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, for a time I did enjoy listening to the CO's concluding talk. It would normally contain a section on what the congregation needs to work on e.g. more bible studies etc. I learnt early on that you would also get the occasional veiled reference to an ongoing problem that is bothering the BOE e.g. sisters cat-fighting among themselves and hissing at elders who try to referee, need to learn obedience, or anally-retentive elder, lording the BOE, making lives difficult for brothers, need to tone down a bit. etc
It was deliciously entertaining to work out, after the talk, why the CO said what he said and who it was meant for.
I quite like CO visits - he usually cuts through any bu*****T
I always avoided going to the CO visit.
I viewed it as a show.
Like you said, so many went out in the FS and took time off from work, and when the CO was gone, everything came back to normal.
Remember, don't worship man, mother on Mother's Day, father on Father's day, we are equal in Jehovah's eyes
that works for everyone, but the CO!
Take the CO out for a fine dinner in a good restaurant for all his hard work and you will be considered a very generous spiritual brother.
Take your wife/mother/daughter to the same restaurant on Mother's Day for all her hard work and you will be considered a pagan.
Rub a Dub
Its just a big set up to make the goodie good shoes of the congregation look better and for those like us who understand the wastetower, is that its all a big farce.
Much ado about nothing those CO visits... now that I can step back and watch the goings on free from the cloud of lies that WT has taught us I can clearly see the obvious signs of "creature worship" taking place. All of the comments are typical of almost every congregation...the elders going out in mid week service when they aren't there otherwise, arriving early to meetings just when CO is here. etc, etc. So stupid isnt it? At least its a good chance for the CO to get his pole greased by some of the power hungry elders while he is there.
Welcome thepackage
Our Cong. recently had its CO visit, and I realized how fake people can be when the CO is around. Elders take time off of work to go out on service during the week, MS's that want to be Elders kiss butt to the CO. Taking the CO and his wife out to lunch become a competition. What's the deal?????? CO's are just company men to make sure the rank and file are kept in line. JW's are two-faced, once the CO left, people went back to being themselves.
Your observations are right on! It's the biggest ass-kissing time of the year for many, who as has been said want to "reach out for office of overseer". I used to hand the CO $100.00 as part of the "secret handshake" everytime he visited. I never did get my second stripe though.
It's also the time of the year "elders" fret in hoping the've done everything up to watchtower snuff.
Dismembered -
I used to hand the CO $100.00 as part of the "secret handshake"
Are you nuts or filthy rich ?