We have a natural affection for you Peaches, and we implore you not to go to that un-celebration of Jesus' life! We here dig you! So we can't be in the last days hey? I can feel the love from here!
No Natural Affection
by misspeaches 34 Replies latest jw friends
oh Sass! What a sweet little thing you are... despite the way your always running about the place screaming (see your own avatar)
Never fear dear Sass. I shan't be particpating in such a heathen event as the JW memorial. I'd rather jump off a bridge. Admittedly it would be a teensy little bridge but you get the general idea.
I feel so loved up right now!
Hey Bikerchic. I wanna get myself a bicycle. Don't you think these styles look neat?
That sure is purdy! Pimp my ride!
Here's another one:
Conditional love. I must admit I recieved a couple of nice cards \ letters from friends when I was DF saying how they knew they would not be able to talk to me and wished my quick return etc etc. But although it was nice of them to think of doing that, the bottom line is still expressing the conditions under which our friendship would continue - which is rather sad really isn't it.
Hey missp,
I hear ya sis! Although personally I'm pretty relieved to be at the other end of this rollacoaster! It's great to finally know that my family and friends finally take my stance seriously, and don't think that I'm just some weak in the flesh frog who just could't live up to the standards of the org. Personally I'd find invitations at this stage an insult to my intelligence, and also to theirs after all the feelings I've projected on the topic! Having said that though I'm going to the clam bake next week with my visiting pa as moral support. Haven't been since the great war of 2001, but know no-one down this way so not fazed. I hope to find it amusing! I'm gonna fill my bag up with solid chocolate easter eggs and offer them to my pa throughout the proceedings hehe...I'm hoping he sees the funny side !
So to both Es & MissP, don't let this thing get to you, it just means that they're all finally learning to take your position seriously, and that's a good thing for your own empowerment. Afterall they never really did offer you anything that you actually needed anyway.
much luv to you both, frog x
During my time as a JW I have certainly not seen any natural affection or fraternal attitude from the JWs and I realised that they don't differ in this respect from the "worldly people" though they think they have the truth.
I believe they just imitate their leaders they tell them you must love your brothers and be Christian but the R&F only see their actions which are not loving or charitable. -
15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Matt.7:15-20.
James Free
We stop going to meetings and they just stop caring. If they had natural affection they wouldn't give up. They would at least attempt to try and help us.
If they could count the time you'd have lots of help. As it is- you're just not worth the 'time'. Real love in the 'truth' - it ain't there!
I remember one smug answer at the WT study about how the Org. shows love during a crisis like Katrina. Another answered ' sure, but why does it take a disaster before anybody in the organization cares!'
Performance-based Love (R) isn't real love at all - it is a "professed love" that the dubs have for one another.
No one at the hall could care less if I'm at meetings or not, much less die for their brother.
I too have seen the love-bombing on potential recruits, bible studies it all ends as soon as you become ONE OF THEM. Then they reason that you're in now, so there's no need to try.
Friendships are shallow, if non-existent if you came into the truth, and sometimes even if you grew up in the troof.
As for the Memorial, my parents still get invited put in the magazines, which get shunted through their mail box and that is it.
You're better off getting over them if you can, let them see you happy and getting on with your life, they're the ones who are under stress from a high-demand group.
I didn't see any "natural affection" at the hall. You had to be a good JW and produce alot, and always say yes to have a "conditional affection".
Good topic