That might be what the JW's mean when they say that they have "love amongst themselves."
Since your spouse is going to die at Armageddon, can we agree to date?
by free2beme 24 Replies latest jw friends
This attitude among jw's just makes it so damn attractive to be married to one.
My sister was always married to a nonbeliever as a Witness, which means that her husband would die at Armageddon and she would need to look into another mate.
I haven’t been to a meeting in several years now so things must have changed since I attended. Is this some more "new light"?
The congregations I attended all believed that by being a baptized follower, that in its self was enough to save ones spouse. The spouse didn't need to believe as long as the other did.
Will they EVER make up their minds on anything other then being the "only true religion"?
A few 'spiritual widows' such as eg my own mum, believe that their partner will be saved by their own faith. Have never seen it in print though, so it must just be an urban legend; something the women say among themselves to keep their hearts from breaking (or more likely, to make the faith seem kinder to them).
It does eat at me, though. I already know that some of the guys are overly friendly with her, even the elder who keeps trying to call me always gives her puppy dog eyes (his wife has severe depression and he is known for having a problem with porn). I don't know what to do about it, though. I guess I could insist that she not go, but I hate to go that route because I feel like I will look the like the dumb stereotype of the opposed unbelieving mate.
atypicalI know it is up to you, but that elder making" puppy dog eyes", he'll be hit on your wife given half or less a chance. Your wife I'm sure loves you, but if she is pretty and all, well the elders view it as a trophy. You are a nonbeliever, as good as dead, and she needs a spiritual brother sooo bad. Just let me say-I can speak from first hand knowledge here. . They are scum ,they go after aother mens wives all the itme, you have no idea what some of them do when they are giving spiritual counseling. If she meets with any of them insit on being present, and don't allow her to have long chats on the phone to discuss anything. (elders do phone sex-i'm serious.). If she has problems, step in man, and help her out. Don't let an elder take your lady-and they will. They are power hungery jerks, who feel they now should have a good looking wife to go with their power. can't tell you how many times I have seen this happen. lots of the elders have wives who are sick or for whatever reason don't like sex anymore and they are always cruzing for sisters. The commit adultry b/c they aren't getting any from sick wife, JC feels sorry for them, they take nice young sister for wife. I wish this was not true, but it is.
Hi all, I'm a newbie here. Back in the '80s, my first wife was still active in the "truth". I myself was working for a fruit juice concentrating plant, which was family owned. The general manager, (son of the owner of the business), was a JW elder. I'd gone to work for him and his family because they "needed someone" who was dependable and able to run a crew. I was put in charge of the graveyard shift. The shift's were 8 hours long, but because of production needs, I often worked 12-16 hours a day, 6-7 days a week. The hours I worked left me extremely tired, so my now ex-wife often went to meetings without me. Especially the Congregation book studies, Service Meetings, and Theocratic Ministry Meetings. The elder that I worked for just happened to have one of the congregational books at his home. On those nights that my now ex-wife went to book study, he arranged for her to sit beside a newly converted, younger by several years, fellow that he felt was lonely and could stand having some fellowship. (read flirting and companionship by my wife) Quite often, she would tell me about the "ice cream socials" they enjoyed after the meeting, sometimes even going out for pizza after the study. It's kind of a thread drift here, but on one occasion, my boss came to my home with two other witness brothers to encourage me to try to get to more meetings! He was the one that assigned me to my work hours, which basically kept me so tired I could barely function when I wasn't working. Quite often when I got home from work, I'd fall asleep in my easy chair after sitting down, while my ex prepared my morning meal. I'd wake to find myself with a cold cup of coffee half raised to my lips! To illustrate just how hard I did work, on one Friday evening, when I punched in, I had a note from the elder, (general manager) telling me not to send the crew home until I'd run all of the fruit, (apples) through the processing plant. I worked my crew through the regular shift which ended at 7 Saturday morning, and through the entire day, and Saturday nite, and all day Sunday. We finally finished the lot around 7 p.m. Sunday evening. The General Manager came in after Sunday's Watchtower Study and Public Talk about 6 in the evening, and was amazed to see my crew still at work. He told me to never allow that to happen again!....And here I was following his orders.
Hi ramtrucker, welcome to the forum!
Thank you for the welcome. I'm doing a lot of lurking, reading this and that in the forum.
Back in the late 90's when I started attending meetings again...briefly, a sister in my congregation was looking for a husband, a worldly one, why? Because she didn't like any of the single brothers in any of the congregations she attended and wanted to find herself a suitable mate pre-Armageddon before all the good looking single guys were destroyed. She really believed she needed to do that. Of course she would be counseled regarding her attitude but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to go through everlasting life with anything less then Brad Pitt if she could help it. If that meant marrying an unbeliever and dragging him through Armageddon so be it.
Ever hear of sisters planning on checking out Noah (maybe wandering in his tent ), or hitting on Abel or some other "perfect" person?
I've overheard such nonsense (okay except for the tent part)!
I can't get over just how completely they've all adopted this constructed model of reality.