I was wondering, why the Governing Body is being replaced with the Other Sheep when they die?? Why don't they just call in more of the Anointed from around the world to fill in their shoes?? Has anyone else wondered about this before?? Also, why when making organizational decisions, doesn't the Governing Body contact ALL the Anointed earthwide to get their opinions. To see what the majority feels on matters. wouldn't that make more sense??
Governing Body Replacement Question???
by Lady Liberty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi LL,
The Governing does not call in "other sheep" as replacements. All Governing Body members are of the Anointed.
Island Woman
I guess you are referring to the "assistants" that were assigned, starting in the mid-90s.
IW, is right, the GB to date are all anointed men. When the day comes that all the anointed men have died and even if there are still anointed women alive on earth, then they might put "other sheep" males in charge but I doubt they would call them the GB. The WTS says that OS men are being trained now to takeover when all the anointed go to heaven; they call them "Nethinim" a concept introduced in 1992. I don't underestimate the input these men have but officially and outwardly the GB calls the shots.
Lady Liberty
Thank you everyone... I thought they were being replaced with the other sheep. See this is why this board is SO valuable!!! I love it here!!
When the day comes that all the anointed men have died and even if there are still anointed women alive on earth, then they might put "other sheep" males in charge but I doubt they would call them the GB.
The only problem is, there will always be those who feel they become one of the annointed...even if they are young men. LittleToe was one and Amazing was another and that's just two I can think of from here. Whether these types would ever be considered to fill a GB spot is doubtful it would seem, but who knows if things got tight.
They could always use the GC and tell the rank and file the annointed( GB specifically) are directing things from the heavens to the Great Crowd who now relates it to others on earth.
The requirements used to be 40 years of full time service to be a GB member if I remember right, however this has now changed.
Gumby, that is why the OS will never be called the GB, helpers, assistants, etc., but never GB...I assume another term will be found. As to newly professed anointed, I'm sure they will have to prove themselves and that there are more "anointed" in the wings at Bethel. The procedure is usually in invite some anointed brother who seems to fit the bill, a company man in good health, to come to Bethel and "complete" his training. A process that can go on into infinitem if the WTS lasts that long.
The thing is that they do not have holy spirit, they do not know any more about the Bible than anyone else who applied themselves and maybe even less. There are no "words of wisdom" falling from their lips nor special insight. But we know that. That's why we're here instead at the meeting tonight.
Ok I'm a little confused, back about 5 years ago one of the annointed told me the reason they left the witnesses was because the GB as they died off were being replaced by those who didn't have the heavenly hope. That is what caused her to leave, she even confronted the elders about it and the confirmed that the GB were being replaced by men of the other sheep.
Wasn't that what the those articles about the it pointed too. Ok sorry can't remember the article or the date of it.
She was mistaken. All the members of GB profess to be of the anointed and have been partaking for 20 years or more. Perhaps because the last 6 (4 in 2000 and 2 in 2005) who were appointed were not born or young boys in 1935, she might feel they are "real" anointed. But the GB members profess to be of the anointed and are recognized as such by the WTS.
The article in a recent magazine about the 2 recently appointed members pointedly said at the end that they were both of the anointed.
I will look for it but those articles said that these OS men were just helpers. Some of the Nethinim are anointed, the last 2 appointed to the GB were anointed but also assistants on the committees. But to date the members of the GB have professed to be anointed and are recognized by the WTS as such. The problem the WTS runs into is that originally they said the Nethinim (Given Ones) are only non-Israelites. But some of the Nethinim have been anointed (Losch, Morris are two examples) You might enjoy this article by Barbara Anderson: http://www.freeminds.org/women/GivenOnes.htmBlondie