Where in the Chicagoland area are/were you from?
A brief summary of life as one of JW's
by Angst 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Indiana actually...
My finding is that the JW religion is one of the most unloving religions there is. You are only loved conditionally. The condition that you attend the meetings, go out in service and do everything the WTBS tells you to do. It has nothing at all to do with what is really required of a Christian. It has nothing to do with having the law written on your heart. You must read all of THEIR booklets and associate only with them. You are looked down on and disciplined if you do anything to the contrary of the above. Why people still get taken in by them is beyond me. Going in they are so friendly. Stay awhile and you find out the deceit that is going on in every congregation. Any religion that says pray only to Jehovah God and don't go through the Christ is wrong. The only way to the Father IS through the Christ, but they teach differently. These are big road signs that you are going the WRONG WAY and yet people still travel that road. When you lead the sheep you are in charge of astray you have a greater sin to answer for when this system ends. They are certainly blood guilty and will have to answer for it.
ok- this is amazing. so i just found out about this place only a few days ago and now i am hooked. i have never in my life thought that i could find a place where so many people thought the same thing as i did. mainly because i always thought that they were wrong thoughts.(apostate as my mom would sat. we can't even have the internet because it is satan's way into our household.) i know that this couple who were dating went out on this boat thing and were drinking very heavily and got caught having sex. by three elders. but the girl was one of the elder's daughters and so was the guy. the other elder was just their friend. they didn't get in trouble at all. but when i went before the elder committee two of those elder's disfellowshipped me for loose conduct with my boyfriend who at the time i was going to marry. the two i spoke of earlier we not going to get married. screw those double standards! i totally related to your story about bethel. my parents want my little brother to attend, but i doubt he will get recommended because our family has not such a good standing in the hall. my mom is a religious nut, though she can't make all her meetings. my dad is not an elder or servant. my mom is not a pioneer. my older sister was disfellowshipped. so yeah. anyone who wants to talk can email me anytime. i like knowing that i am not alone. thanks! :)
You should have got rid of the Flat top. Isn't that a small price to pay for the joy of your brothers and siters? Jk. I live in San Diego and wen't with Family and Family friends to bethel as a kid about 3 times. I always thought, oh my god I dont wanna end up here. Thankfully it was never suggested due to my poor 1 hour a month ministry performance. ;)
Won't you visit my dojo?
http://www.pimp101.com -
Maybe the reason there are so many more females than males in the organization is that so many of us males have served at Bethel.
Hrm, I even lied about other people having sex and got them df'd! But this was done in retaliation during my own DA procedure, and they deserved it...hell, maybe I even helped them!
It was nice to use the BOrg against itself for a change.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
I can sum up life as one of JWs in one word: SHIT.
Welcome! I appreciate reading your story. I wish I could say it was surprising, but, it sounds as if you were treated with the same utter lack of respect and understanding that the Borg is so famous for in these parts.
What part of Indiana are you from??
"May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi
Growing up we lived close to Bethel and people frequently would ask if I was going to go when I grew up. For as far back as I could remember being able to talk, my answer was: "um, no." Why ANYONE would want to live and work there is beyond me!!! Not that it's not "talked up" when you're a JW kid, but upon visiting and touring just ONCE, I realized that living "by the bell" is not my idea of living. For those who haven't ever visited, an example of this is that they ring a bell for every mealtime. The bros. & sisters have abt. 1/2 hour for lunch. They have to go back to their rooms to get totally CLEANED UP (not just wash their hands) but put on appropriate clothes -- FOR SISTERS THIS MEANS PUTTING ON A DRESS OR SKIRT... rush to the lunch room, eat in about 5 mins, go BACK to change into their work clothes and rush back to their assignments. Once I saw this in action, I said NO WAY! Where is the godly love and compassion??? Everyone at Bethel probably has acute heartburn! This seems like a small example, but it's indicative of the entire picture. Anyone have any other examples you may know of ?