Rastaman Live Up.
Bongo Man don’t give up
Congo Man live up,
Tim Jonz Don’t Give Up
Keep your culture; don’t be afraid of the vulture
Grow your dreadlocks. Don’t be afraid of the wolf pack and fart on sundays full moon if it be your wish.
by TimJonz 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Rastaman Live Up.
Bongo Man don’t give up
Congo Man live up,
Tim Jonz Don’t Give Up
Keep your culture; don’t be afraid of the vulture
Grow your dreadlocks. Don’t be afraid of the wolf pack and fart on sundays full moon if it be your wish.
People want to listen to a message, word from Jah. This could be passed through me body with a little presure on me diaphram is all..
My church of the flatulent polygamist rasta be open to all dat wanna feel th' heal'n power of jah. Me doors and windows be open full. "Happy be those hungering and thirstering for righteousness for they shall be filled." Matt 5:6.
Brother TimJonz
an' don't yah be glum..hav'n the scum mess'n with ya fun..smoke ya blues down with da sun den takes a deep breath 'n blow it out ya bum.
unc who don't work the sabbat
"The more people smoke herb, the more Babylon fall." Bob Marley
Since you guys are talking about farts, I thought you'd find the Merck Manual's definitions of farts hilarious!
The following piece appeared in the Gastrointestinal section of past editions of The Merck Manual, and is being reprinted here because of reader demand.
Flatulence, which can cause great psychosocial distress, is unofficially described according to its salient characteristics: (1) the "slider" (crowded elevator type), which is released slowly and noiselessly, sometimes with devastating effect; (2) the open sphincter, or "pooh" type, which is said to be of higher temperature and more aromatic; (3) the staccato or drumbeat type, pleasantly passed in privacy; and (4) the "bark" type (described in a personal communication) is characterized by a sharp exclamatory eruption that effectively interrupts (and often concludes) conversation. Aromaticity is not a prominent feature. Rarely, this usually distressing symptom has been turned to advantage, as with a Frenchman referred to as "Le Petomane," who became affluent as an effluent performer who played tunes with the gas from his rectum on the Moulin Rouge stage.
Flatulence: Among those who are flatulent, the quantity and frequency of gas passage shows great variability. As with stool frequency, persons who complain of flatulence often have a misconception of what is normal. In a study of eight normal men aged 25 to 35 yr, the average number of gas passages was 13 ± 4/day with an upper limit of 21/day, which overlapped with many persons who complained of excess flatus. Hence, objectively recording flatus frequency (using a diary kept by the patient) should be the first step in evaluating a complaint of excessive flatulence.
Despite the flammable nature of the H 2 and CH 4 in flatulence, working near open flames is not hazardous. Children have been known to make a game of expelling gas over a match flame. However, gas explosion, rarely with fatal outcome, has been reported during jejunal and colonic surgery and even when diathermy was used during endoscopic procedures in poorly evacuated patients.
Jim Jones, I'll have to apologize for my bastard friends here who makin fun of yer 7th day adventist honest and concerned heart. I figured this whole mess out for ya that you got yourself into. Here are two paragraphs you messed up on.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Ya see them there words in red on the bottom there? It says ALL be fullfilled. Did you know he was talkin bout ALL of the LAW? Well, he was! He said ALL the law was fullfilled by him. You thought he was talkin bout "prophecies" and "heaven and earth" passing away and stuff. Where did you come up with those two crazy ideas ya big silly? Me thinks you just need to read better and quit listening to those guys in suits that tell ya stuff.
...and, keep away especially from Unclebruce, he's got nutbagitis real bad ....and it's contagious!
Ah yes, the earth shall remain forever. I find it interesting that the WTS hold that since it is a "logical" thing that the earth should remain, they say that it will. Even more interesting is how their entire theory of how this is a part of Gods plan is based on strange reasoning like 1919 and one verse from Revelation. Just look at the new "bible teach" book. At the beginning of the book there is a 2 page picture using all of the scriptures that "prove" that the earth will be a paradise, yet many of them come from prophetic books. The sad thing is that some people will never be able to see it.