2006 Drama

by New Worldly Translation 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I just heard that my brother has been picked to be one of the main parts in the drama at this years district convention

    I thought this was hilarious when my mother told me tonight. I said was he gonna be Jezebel so my mum thinking I was been sarcastic and derogatory about it changed the subject. So I don't know what the drama is or who he might be playing. Anyone know what the drama is this year?

    It might be worth sitting through a Saturday session to see him make a charlie of himself.... then again maybe not.

    When I used to have to sit through them that overdubbed soundtrack used to get on my nerves. One thing I always wished was that the people on the stage could use their own voices.

    Anyone ever been in one?

  • Elsewhere

    I suspect it will be something along the lines of: "Do what the FDS tells you or Jehover will kill you."

  • Mulan

    Yes, Dave and I were both in two dramas. It was very fun!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    i got a double laugh off your post ...

    over"dubbed" soundtrack

    Could not be anymore truer.

  • freedomlover

    the last assembly I went too had a cast of who's who in our area. The "money" people basically! My brother-in-law was in it because of his outstanding position in the hall. Outstanding position my foot - the week before the drama he was barfing his brains out on a witness camping trip because he drinks too much. But of course, everyone turns and looks the other way because his daddy is the head dude elder in the area.

    can anyone say "hypocrisy?"

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Yeah it was like that too in my area Freedomlover. Only those part of the 'in-crowd', who were usually the wealthy, got to be on dramas and such.

    It's funny cos since I stopped going to the meetings my bro has gone on leaps and bounds as a JW. He's now an MS, got married, book counter servant, drama etc. When he was with me he never found the meetings interesting at all or answered up. He found it boring like I did.

    I guess without my cynical, jaded attitude towards it all he's got renewed interest in it and got to be part of the in-crowd.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Have them use their real voices, YEAH RIGHT! Do you think they want to give the regular publisher that kind of control? Think of the harm that would come to all the childern if Moses turned into an Apostate!

  • sass_my_frass

    In my old area the drama is cast by a very upstanding old brother, so the dramas never really are very dramatic.

    slightly OT: Once at a JW quiz night our table had to act out a scene in three ways: Sesame Street style, boy band style and District Convention drama style. DC drama style was all enormous stupid gestures and deep NYC accents.

  • startingover

    I've been in a few. I have a funny story from the last one. I can't remember what it was even about, but I had this part where I was not in an ancient costume. If I remember correctly, I was a burgler attempting to cover up my deed by setting a fire. So I had jeans on and a flannel shirt, my best burglar clothes, & my only prop was a gas can.

    I came from quite a ways offstage when I was supposed to appear, and because of my dress, the guy guarding the stage didn't know I was in the drama. He started following me onstage since he thought I was an outsider attempting to cause a disturbance . I tried to keep in my character, acting like someone sneaking up in the shadows, and at the same time trying to shoosh this guy away. He followed me all the way into the lights before he realized what was going on.

    Man did he feel like an ass. I suppose since I caught him offguard because of where I came from. I always felt a little bad for the guy; You should have seen him melt when he hit the lights and he figured it out.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I had a crush on the "brother" who played Joseph....he was hot.

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