It's saying 1 hr to that for real????
World First ~ Judicial Commitee Recorded by our own sickoflies
by unclebruce 30 Replies latest jw friends
OK unc....
Hi how are you?
Can you tell Farkel I said that to him?
Never mind Legolas,
your phone line must run along a barbed wire fence - mine is slow too - I have to go to work and will listen in full later tonight.
cheers, unc
OK Farkel, notperfectyet said ..I'm to're .. awww phhtt's gonna be one farked arp conversation..
Maybe we can do a 3 way call, and it wouldn't be so Farked up???
Bumble Bee
I haven't listened to all the recordings - only the DF meeting and man! it was the longest 11 minutes of my life!! I can't imagine how you were able to sit there through all that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That bro sure did like to hear himself speak!!
It sounded like at the end where he was telling you about the appeal process, that it hardly ever changes the decision - it's just delaying the announcement.
At least they let you know up front that "resistance is futile".
Woo Hoo good for you to get it all I was freakin when I thought the end was cut off! Screw them, they are morons!
Lady Liberty
Dear Dan,Now think about your meeting tonight, and how you were treated. They would of NEVER gotten by with that if the whole congregation was present. Like a trial. That is what it was like in Bible times! They didn't have secret confidential judicial meetings!! Everything was out in the open for all to hear. But think about what the Scribes and Pharasiees did to Jesus. At night, they held there little secret meeting convicting him with trumped up charges! Sounds like a parallel to me!!!!!!
Lady Liberty
I'm listening to the tape - these jerks are dumb fuck pieces of shit.
They barely speak English:
"that there is one of the most easiest ones to find"
"Some of the scriptures we talked about was..." far out - lol!
Dans crime: "you put people on the spot" ..
Elder: "Come on Dan you've been in the truth 25 years"..
Witness: "flood's wrong" .. "539's wrong" "other things are wrong" "would i be reproved if a take the emblems" "he's an apostate .. puting that stuff on me and i'm not having it - he's an apostate and he was sitting right there beside me"
OK .. can we bring Larry in..
Elder: He's been in the truth 25 years, his parents raised him in the truth and now he says he's just asking questions...
Dan - you defended yourself admirably against the wolf pack.
Wow Sick Of Lies - good on you Bro !!
( PS Wouldn't a good Aussie Member Name be Sick of Flies or would Sick of Lies get his lawyers on it? )