I'm not saying that I don't believe you ... that it was not said. Just saying, I don't believe that is a widespread thought among elders.
If you thought I didn’t believe you, I apologize.
Oh. My. God. Roe v. Wade...
by Odrade 12 Replies latest jw friends
The wages of sin is death... When you die your sins are done and you are then in line for resurrection!
Now the society does go back and forth on that one, ie the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Also if God killed you DIRECTLY!
This is one of the points I brought up to my mom! All these old colporters that she knew who quit school in the 20's 30's etc to preach are dying all the people who tossed them off their property are dying... THEY ALL GET THE SAME REWARD! When this generation dies those who stayed faithful will get NOTHING that the people who are just living their lives get... Makes no since at all! Stupid religion really!
no I understood you were trying to say you don't think many elders believe that. and that is most likely ture. They may not, but this man did, and that is not the first time I have heard that. and this man is as maninstream ss you can get around here. doubt you will find it in the literature, but elders,co, do's well sometimes they get a bit full of themselves, thinking they are the judge and jury over eveyone's life. even worldy peoples. that is why I said, men with delusions of power.
curious, wonder what he based that idea on?