I fixed your post by switching off the HTML coding, and then restoring it. It made some extra space in the meantime, but it's not all jumbled anymore.
by greendawn 19 Replies latest jw friends
I fixed your post by switching off the HTML coding, and then restoring it. It made some extra space in the meantime, but it's not all jumbled anymore.
Has there ever been a case of an anointed getting disfellowshipped for doctrinal disagreements with the GB?
Can you say: Raymond Franz? Although technically, it was for eating a meal with his landlord who was DA'd at the time.
I'm too lazy at the moment to hunt around for the exact sources, but what I remember being told when I was first studying was that the "faithful and discreet slave" was the 144,000 and that Jehovah used them to run his affairs on earth. Somewhere there is a quote that the GB and Society are "used by the faithful and discreet slave" to govern Jehovah's people.
The above is clearly contrary to actual practice, in which the GB runs everything and tells everybody (including those annointed not GB members) what to do and think.
Black Swan,
It's also in the book, "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Divine Purpose", pg 69-73. I'm sure the book's on the internet somewhere. I'd scan it and post it for you, but I don't know how.
It's all a moot point about the GB and the annointed because the Holy Spirit has never been anywhere near the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. He doesn't involve Himself with cults that deny His very existence and teach that He is like electricity.
(grrr what happened here? I just realized how badly jumbled my post was please forgive))
Good afternoon UncleBruce!
Thank you for finding that! Wow, interesting read huh?
Question: what is the resolution that was passed January 6, 1917? Hm, if no one knows, give me some time I’ll look it up. (I’m supposed to be working right now)
This fits in really well with what I already know about Rutherford. Just from reading the Proclaimers book I found that Rutherford had been very anxious about the election of officers.
I'm too lazy at the moment to hunt around for the exact sources, but what I remember being told when I was first studying was that the "faithful and discreet slave" was the 144,000 and that Jehovah used them to run his affairs on earth. Somewhere there is a quote that the GB and Society are "used by the faithful and discreet slave" to govern Jehovah's people.
The above is clearly contrary to actual practice, in which the GB runs everything and tells everybody (including those annointed not GB members) what to do and think.
Everything together makes Greendawn’s point very well. That the anointed GB body members have formed their own elite group over the general anointed.
I think that’s why to me it is even more interesting to see that the WTS teaching of the faithful and discreet slave doesn’t fit with their own set up. Here they have and have had anointed members who they have hushed or tossed out the door because they don’t agree with the doctrines of the WTS.
The reality is that they teach that the FDS are here to run Jehovah’s earthly affairs, however, what they really mean is that the GB are here to run Jehovah’s earthly affairs.
If Rutherford chucked out those that were anointed (or claimed to be) and members of the GB have continued to do that ever since, then doesn’t this demonstrate sinning against the Holy Spirit?
After all, If these members were anointed with the HS and they (being Rutherford, GB etc) df them, then doesn’t that mean that they are actively working against the Spirit?
I asked an elder once, why the society was appointing men that were not anointed and saying there was few anointed left, when the yearly report clearly showed this to be wrong. I felt that they were disrespecting Jehovah by not appointing men, he had already appointed to serve in Heaven. Wouldn't it had made sense, to seek out these ones to lead the organization on earth? Well his answer was, "there is more to it then that, and Jehovah has his way of doing things." Basically, "I don't know and this is a generic answer." I doubt he even heard the question.
Honestly, the Witnesses relationship with the anointed idea has changed drastically from their beginning. Now they are nothing more then another statistic to track, and prove all the more that is is all BS.
It's an interesting question Greendawn about the annointed having doctrinal issues with the GB. It's these kind of tangles that make the faithful & discreet slave, disfellowshipping and governing body doctrines ludicrous.
From what I've heard about the GB it's not even 12 or so men making the decision as there has always been since Rutherford one overriding personality drving the org to his own agenda. It's a dictatorship really and this person makes decisions for the GB, who make decisions on behalf of the annointed, who vicariously tell the dubs what to do. It's the ordinary dubs who get it in the neck when they don't obey and are ostracized, the annointed have it a bit easier as no-one can question their heavenly calling and so can't be disfellowshipped in the fullest sense and the GB have the best cut of the deck as they are in the unequivocal position.
Hey Greendawn:
Such things made me think: does the Spirit inspire only the GB members to acquiring some light?
1st..the GB has never had any light from God that I know of..I think Russell had some great things he learned but the GB...absolutely nothing that I know of...
Also..I started partaking after being a witness for 20, was a fulltime pioneer..and one elder laughed and 2 elders told me, that they were sure I wasn't.. I d'aed because they would never let me open my mouth to anyone about the new things I had learned..or I knew I'd be labeled an apostate..so fast my head would spin...and taken in the back room.. It wasn't worth it..so I d'aed.
Star Moore,
what you've said is quite ironic given how much the WBTS warns against 'sining against the Holy Spirit' by belittling the 'heavenly calling™'.
It's one mixed up crazy belief system that's for sure. It's almost as if all that matters is a fascade of loyalty to twelve old men.