Maybe you can help me think a little.
I'm not getting very far myself...
For the last couple of months some things have changed in my live and this made me 'collide with the system'. I've been thinking, roaming the internet, looking into old books etc. These are the things I came up with:
- having these personal problems 'standard' phrases came popping into my head everytime. With every problem I had, every question I could think of, a scripture or WT sentence magically popped up. Was I brainwashed? Couldn't I think for myself anymore? What was I feeling?
- How can one excercise free will if threatened by disfellowshipping whenever one tries to act upon one's own conscience?
- If we cannot decide for ourselves how to walk straight, how can we make the right decision to serve God? This is a big issue to me. I mean, if we cannot think for ourselves how can we be sure JW is the right religion. A JW friend of mine is always saying that if we just try to live right, that we are no better than the 'wordly' people around us. The thing is: we aren't (of course). The mistake JW's make (I made) is that they think they are part of the only right way to live. They forget allong the way that they made that choice! In my perspective you have to trust your own feeling saying to you that you're right: pointing you towards religion or in any other way. God gave us a free will and we have to use it the right way. But if we cannot trust our own feeling or thinking how can we even choose the so-called right way to be a JW (just thinking from a JW perspective). So if you cannot listen to your gut feeling (and you can't because you have to listen to what you are taught to) how can you excercise free will?
other issues that made me think twice:
- old books with old explanations of prophecies, especially the ones that were trying to fit in recent JW history into the bible.
- WTBTS founded upon people who started out with just researching the bible for themselves and praying
- the changes in blood policy and thinking of how many lives that costed
- the UN membership and the fact that 'nobody' seems to know about that (thank God for the internet...)
and last but not least:
the unhappy people I see in the congretations nowadays, people who don't seem to have any control over their own lives. Maybe I'm projecting my own feelings now, but it seems as if many are just denying their own feelings because these don't fit into WT policy. It makes it impossible for individuals to develop in a natural way. It is taking away you're own responsibility, not only towards God, but also towards other people and, mostly, towards yourself.
So, where I end up with, after this possibly not very logically monologue, are the following ancient questions:
Can I decide not to be a JW anymore without being doomed?
Can I be the judge of my own life and how to live it?
Can I trust my own feelings and go with them?
Can I trust myself to put my trust in God and him to lead me to the right decisions and correct me if I'm wrong?
Can I decide that the WTBTS GB are just humans who are trying to the right thing but don't have to tell me how to live my life?
Please give me your thoughts on the above (if anymore explanation is required I'll be happy to elaborate...)