WT filters and why people don't see what's right in front of them

by Lady Lee 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • uninformed


    I think you are on to something re: your comments on the past and history of JW's.

    We have been kicking around amongst the family thta JW's are trained not to remember the past much, but only the present, but not to live in the present, but live only for the "real life"--everlasting life. Now, I think it is good to live with a view to the future, but not at the cost of not living during this life.

    Its funny too, like the recent WT started quoting the 20's and 30's WT to prove a point, (subject escapes me), but if we quote the same issue of the WT in regard to a doctrinal or teaching error we are apostates. However, they are free to quote all the way back to 1879 if it furthers their purpose, but they shut down web sites that do just that.

    It is a cult. It teaches personal denial, and it trains the members to think only in terms of current understanding.

    I am totally rambling.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Lee, I think they learn history. It's another doctrine. They're told the past, they remember it. I agree, they choose to remember it as taught just like they choose to suspend their disbelief.

    Exactly. I just keep thinking 1984, 1984, 1984. Wasn't it the Bottings that examined the similarities between the WTS and Orwell's book? Yes here it is. The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses The book 1984 even had a character named Rutherford!!!

  • stillajwexelder

    Excellent post Lady Lee

  • garybuss

    The Witnesses trained me to live this life as if it were an application for the next life. So I do what I don't like to do now for some garden job in the future? This life is all I have. I'm glad I quit the Witnesses as soon as I did.

  • inquirer

    Lady Lee,

    Wow! That's great what you said. Yeah! We shouldn't be wondering why they can't see it when we can....

    But I'll add to that, that some people like me wanted to find out what the f___ was wrong with the org. I was badly treated like many people. And there were too many straws on Inquirer's back. And I thought that's it! And I went and searched. I thought "I have this great tool called the Internet," let's give these evil heretics on www.jehovahs-witness.com a bit of chance. :) And then someone told me about Crisis of Conscience and told me he is an ex-JW, etc, etc...

    So because I am an "Inquirer" and have a curious personality, I went to investigate what the f___ was wrong! :D

    I think you have to be in that state of mind where you want to change and your mind can sense there is something awfully f______ wrong with this s_____ place. If you don't look, you won't know. Some people have more of those "warning signs" than others. I am well aware of it. And yes, I know some people are stuck with the borg because of family even if they know... But yeah. Well done Lady Lee.

    One more thing on that, (not trying to be sexist) but I think maybe males are more likely to doubt and get sick of it, because religion is an emotional device women are more captive to this than men... but I am seeing a lot of women on here though! :) I still think this, even in this "women indepence" era. :)

    We put smoke alarms in our house to warn of a fire, we need to do this with religion as well. :)

  • inquirer


    The Witnesses trained me to live this life as if it were an application for the next life.


    Gaaaaarrrry! LOL You've been fired from it. You are on the "spiritual" street now. :D

  • inquirer

    -independant thinking, urrggh this is a dangerous one. when i first heard it it hit me, 'thats what ive been doing i should just trust the org'.. now i see its real intent


    So, independent thinking is ok when are preached to about JW's, but while we are in, we are not allowed to leave because if we did, we are ignoring the truth? Come on!

    Why not go "ahead of the org?" You might teach them something new! Like Carl Jonsson did with that 1914 crap ("Oh you can't do that...")

    What if I liked the old light? Maybe I prefer it. Old things increase in value like wine! :D

  • inquirer


    ts funny too, like the recent WT started quoting the 20's and 30's WT to prove a point, (subject escapes me), but if we quote the same issue of the WT in regard to a doctrinal or teaching error we are apostates. However, they are free to quote all the way back to 1879 if it furthers their purpose, but they shut down web sites that do just that.


    Aren't they the apostate ones for quoting apostate material? THEY SHOULD THROW ALL THOSE MAGAZINES OUT SHOULDN'T THEY? Maybe sell them? They need the money! :D

  • What-A-Coincidence

    my conversion started in bethel...

    a book with a chapter on Belief Systems: The Power to Create the Power to Destroy

    Other chapters on Rules, References, and Identities.

    pm me for more info. Damm book jump started my brain and removed ALL filters.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    One more thing on that, (not trying to be sexist) but I think maybe males are more likely to doubt and get sick of it, because religion is an emotional device women are more captive to this than men... but I am seeing a lot of women on here though! :) I still think this, even in this "women indepence" era. :)

    My "take" on this is a wee bit different. I don't think female JWs are in it for the emotional aspect of it. The WTS does a pretty good job of making it as unemotional as possible.

    As JWs men are most often the breadwinners of the family. And being out in the world just might give them more opportunity to see what goes on in the rest of the world hence the questioning.

    Married females on the other hand are expected to take care of the family and pioneer. Those who do work outside the home may experience the same kind of influence from the outside world.

    I do have this sneaking suspicion that many of the men who stay know somewhere deep inside they woul dhave no power or authority in the outside world. At least at the hall they can start with mike-passing

    And from what many of the women here have said it is the emotional starvation within the WTS that pushes them to leave. Interestingly a lot of the men here are saying the same thing

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