Sleeping at assemblies and conventions

by free2beme 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    Well one clearly couldn't fall asleep sitting behind brother 'hoagie' gumby but I'd love to know the mechanics of how one falls asleep at a convention. How do you stop your head falling in your lap? It sounds like a real skill and could even spawn a new industry in seat enhancers to hold you upright.

    I mean, s urely this brother's gonna wake up with a crook neck?:


    PS: My mother sleeps at assemblies and snores quite loudly I'm told.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings free2beme

    Did you sleep through the assemblies and conventions?

    You bet!. Slept very well I might add & prayed that the attendants would bring me a pillow. I hated it when they'd applaud at the end of a talk and wake me out of a sound sleep. They were rude and unconsiderate. ps: Gumby you pig!


  • silentWatcher

    Damn ransid hoagies and gassy burrito's!!!


    "beware the wrath of jeh-hoagie!"


  • stillajwexelder

    I always have a good 2 hour sleep every day at District Conventions and assemblies

  • Honesty
    Did you sleep through the assemblies and conventions?

    Like a Baby!!!

    I used to wonder why I can work all day on Saturday around the house and then get up at 2 A.M. and go in to work for 4-5 hours, rush home and shower and change clothes, drive 25 miles to church and enjoy the worship service and Sunday School without being the leat bit tired.

    It must be that the spiritual food is so much different now than what I was being fed at the Kingdom Halls and Assemblies.

  • luna2

    After getting up at the crack of dawn to get everybody ready, pack up the car and drive to the assembly in order to arrive early enough to get some choice of seating, after a long, dull morning of crappy talks, symposiums and/or experiences, and after eating too much for lunch (generally), it was almost impossible to stay alert. There'd be an hour or two where my eyes would drift closed and I'd nod off and then jerk awake over and over. It was horrible. It wasn't a nap and it wasn't being awake either. By the end of the afternoon, I'd have a massive headache and I'd be a major grouch. What a relief not to have to put myself through that torture any more.

  • garybuss

    Yawn . .

  • MinisterAmos


    Like the pic.

    The DO will probably not chastise him for his lack of attention seeing that he is DEAD.

  • free2beme
    By the time I ate a hoagie, a burrito, 2 cheese danishes, and drank a shasta coke, I usually always had the shits so bad after lunch a guy couldn't sleep if he wanted to. The poop line to the bathroom after lunch was so long most brothers missed the first hour of the program anyways. Damn ransid hoagies and gassy burrito's!!!

    LOL, you forgot to mention the great smell that created in the restroom.

  • free2beme


    The prayer was their moment of glory, and I know a few brothers who actually admit to using a outline to make sure it sounded right. So much for saying "no showing display of faith", I thought prayers were suppose to come from the heart. I was at a convention once and the prayer was so long, about 10-15 mins, that some people were just leaving out the back door to get food. As you were always so hungry by break!

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