Our cleaning was this past Saturday as well. I totally forgot about it until about 5 hours too late so I didn't even need to find an excuse not to go.
My rotten JW weekend
by LtCmd.Lore 19 Replies latest jw experiences
You are so far ahead of me compared to when I was your age!!! When I was 16 I would have convinced myself that this was a priviledge of some sort and an opportunity to show my zeal...wow.
Just hang in there and hold onto your identity!!
In a skirt!!?? Actually, the only thing that made it a bit better was that sisters didn't need to wear skirts at the cleaning! Imagine that! We were all strolling around in Jeans and shirts! Freedom!!!
This is a tough time for you.
You are so young. Will you have a support system in place when you leave?
Anewme -
So everyone was miserable on this one day of cleaning? Wouldn't you think that might get some to thinking that cleaning up after the big A would be tad bit more grueling? After all, God surely couldn't do without jw's to clean up the big mess. And here they are miserable with only one day of cleaning up, don't they get hundreds or thousands of years of clean up duty?
Yep that sucks...hang in there!
drew sagan
I think we have all had to many expierances like yours. You'll get through it. I'm still going througt it myself. I'm just glad those pre memorial season Watchtowr lessons are gone, as well as the Daniel book. All I could do was sit there and grind my teeth.
When I used to host a group study at my house, I decided that as I spent a good hour a week preparing the house for that I could skip the hall cleaning.
I was 'counselled' by the group study conductor about my consistent not turning up! So I asked him if all the group would come and help me clean on a Thursday night, or maybe they could find another location for the group as I could not fit it all in.
Surprisingly it was never mentioned after that!
Wow... it really has been that long for me. I had totally forgotten about the pre-Memorial house-cleaning. Oh yeah, what a joy that was. Actually, I didn't mind so much. Sucks that you weren't allowed to go in to warm up though.
You have my deepest sympathy. I don't remember having to clean for the memorial, but I do remember having to stay after meetings for the regular hall cleaning. All I was thinking was that I couldn't wait to get out of there. Like it wasn't bad enough having to endure the meeting, then having to stay LONGER to clean. But I think the absolute WORST waste of a weekend was the circuit assembly. I remember having to go to school all week, then being robbed of my weekend cuz I had to get up early and go to the horrid assembly. Usually, though, I would go on Saturday but come Sunday morning when my Mom would get me up to get ready, I would fake a headache or a sore throat so I wouldn't have to go. I'm suprised my mom believed me, but at least I got to stay home!