They push their cart up your but and start putting their item on the counter with yours.
lol that is funny. Yeah it's rude.
by greendawn 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They push their cart up your but and start putting their item on the counter with yours.
lol that is funny. Yeah it's rude.
It's rude when people jump to conclusions before finding out what is going on.
It's rude when people stare at you.
It's rude when people don't wash their hands after the toilet and want to shake your hand.
Those blue headlights that are on a lot of upscale cars. Frikkin' things are blinding. Rude
I'm surprised no one's come up with special anti-glare glasses for that.
I think it's rude when an unidentified moderator falsifies JWD history by deleting a humour post about a bible topic.
I think it's rude when the same unidentified moderator drives away a longstanding poster without an explaination or apology.
Had a real dumb ass of an elder approach my husband and I at the end of the Sunday meeting, we were standing together. He said to my husband "I need to talk to you about your wife". Jesus, I was standing right there! My husband looked at him like boy are you stupid and grabbed my arm before I could rip him a new one. Never did find out what they wanted to talk with him about, I never went back!
Dan! That was ME that just blinded you in my new Volvo!
Oh, then that was me that shined my brights in your eyes even though I know those were your regular-strength lights! Sorry!
It's rude when people jump to conclusions before finding out what is going on.
LMAO!! I agree BS. Oh wait! Am I being rude?
Don't start me on rude drivers. I was on the motorway the other day on my bike doing about 80 - 90 in the third lane (fast lane) and there was a whole queue about half a mile long all moving at the same speed.
I tend to stay to either the left or right of a lane, if you are a biker, you will know there is a funny feel to driving in the dead centre of a lane (I think on the left and right there is slight wear by car tyres and the middle has a slight elevation which can be noted at high speed).
Anyway, a Porche overtakes me IN MY LANE! There must have been about 2 inches between us. Plus it was raining and windy. Bast*rd! Of course there was a car in front of me so he had nothing to do but break causing me to pull back to a safe distance. Then I see him flashing his lights (which is a request for people to pull over so he can pass) (there is no over taking on the inside in England by the way). OK so it's a fast car, but some people think they have some kind of license for everyone to get out of their way!!!