your best prank

by KW13 29 Replies latest social humour

  • KW13

    whats your best prank you've pulled? i can think of loads but the best one that i got to actually see without causing WWIII was when two friends were staying over. One of them said get him something to me and his brother went and got an OXO cube and unwrapped it.

    LOL he was foaming at the mouth

  • unclebruce

    Pranks are not very nice KW13 someone could lose an eye. I never did any. Oh except the time we were working in the bush and had a really bad boss who kept going to the pub in town while we slaved away in the hot sun. We kept hiding his box trailer in the scrub until he go very angry and threatened us that if it happened again he was going straight to the Port Pirie Police Station.

    Well we hacked off the huge chains and padlocks and hid it again. When Raspy came back he went ballistic - and roared off in a cloud of dust only to find his beloved box trailer chained to the verhanda post of Port Pirie Police Station.

    Oh yeah and there was the time my mate Frank and I stole a Police car for a few hours ...

  • wombat

    Ever sat in a tin dunny on a building site and suddenly have it bombarded with rocks or attempted to turn over? Not nice.

  • unclebruce

    So you were the bastard! I watched some (JW) brickies doing that once. Everytime someone went in the dunny they'd lob half bricks at it. There are few things more unerving than answering the call of nature in a tin clad toilet while being pelted with bricks. Of couse as soon as the occupant came out everyone was innocently going about their work.

    Well this day a visitor comes to site .. the building inspector. After he is comfortably enthroned, big Tim Tregarkis (of Payneham cong) lobs a half brick up in a great arc to fall directly on the dunny's roof. Instead of bouncing off as expected the brick crashed through the rusty iron roof and all hell broke lose below.

    I can't remember what happened after that .. I was busy somewhere else.

  • merfi

    Short background on me -- I work at a smallish hospital -- 350 employees or so, so we all know everyone else's business. I worked Oct 05-Feb 06 somewhere else, so was gone. Went back to small hospital about 6 weeks ago. Our uniform is a big ol' white lab coat over scrubs. Last fall I was 'dating' the Harley-riding, "let's have a nooner" CFO.... (~sigh~ I miss him....)

    So, my sort of a prank -- this past April Fool's Day (my favorite holiday LOL) I had to work, so 'fooled' by stuffing a half-circle styrofoam ball up my scrub top. I looked about 7 months pg or so. Oh god, the looks... I 'fessed up on Sunday and everyone breathed once again. Including the CFO, prolly.


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    My ex husband was a real macho mean abusive latino. He always used to put women down, we were all so stupid to him. (I stayed 16 years because I thought Jehovah expected it unless he commited adultery, he finally did) After the divorce I found out he was online all the time. Sooooooo I found his little spanish chat room, (I speak spanish) and I flirted a bit, he took the bait. Sooooooooooo I carried on a conversation...well many of them...he thought I was this aweseom lady names Rosa Rubiooooo (roll the toungue now)

    He invited me to go on vacation, wanted to meet me...I got busy and forgot about him. Well, come to find out he went looking for me. In NEW MEXICO where I told him I was a school teacher in a small town, the sickoo. He came back without his online love. (I wasn't THAT bad, NO sexual or romantic stuff)

    I forgot about it and about a year later on a child visitation exchange he starts with the "women are so stupid" routine. I said "Oh stupid as Rosa Rubio?" He looked off into space and says "what happened to her..hey WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ROSA!!!"

    It took him a few minutes to figure it out. Then he says "YOU B**CH"

    He never again started his; women are so stupid routine again.

    That is as bad a prank as I ever did.

  • wombat

    Kate....That is a great story.....I really LOL'd. Good on you........

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Good on you Kate


  • Elsewhere

    My pranks are more of the "harmless head game" pranks.

    I had this "find your missing keys" gizmo that was of very poor quality. I stopped using it because it would spontaneously go off randomly every few hours. When it went off it would make a beeping noise... only it used a high frequency which ironically made it very difficult to tell where the sound was coming from.

    There was a guy at work who liked to pull pranks every now and then, so I thought I would play with him a bit.... for several weeks.

    I simply hid the little beeping "find your keys" gizmo in an old printer that didn't work anymore. I made sure I told everyone except the target of the prank.

    It was great... as expected the gizmo would start beeping for a few seconds at random times throughout the day. The guy went NUTS trying to find the source of the mystery sound! lmao! We were all technical people responsible for the computer and printer equipment, so he knew how to take things apart. When I noticed he was becoming too interested in the printer where I hid the gizmo, I moved the gizmo up above one of the ceiling tiles.

    After a week or so he started to figure out it was coming from the ceiling and started digging around up there... so I moved the gizmo under a table.

    This went on for about two weeks... he would get close and I would just move the thing somewhere else. To make it even better, since everyone knew what was going on they would tell him: "Yeah, I hear it too... try looking in the [Insert random place in the office]."

    Oh yeah, he was pissed when he finally figured out what was going on!

  • mkr32208

    I had a helper once who was into jokes and pranks (I'm really not) so one day he got a spray can of template glue and sprayed it on my arm... I advised him that he didn't want to start that with me, he gave me the old yeah whatever thing.

    So anyway he hid the glue on the job and i saw where he hid it so the next day I brought in my BB gun when break time came I told him to run up to the store and get some drinks. While he was gone I glued the can up in the rafters of the house we where working on about 7 feet up. When he came back I told him "ha ha I taped your glue can up in the rafters" he said "that's not a very good trick" I said "yeah but you'll have to get a ladder to get it down and it's all I could think of!" of course he didnt need a ladder it was only a few inches above where he could reach! So he starts in with "man i can jump and get that down I don't even need a ladder your retarded" I told him I didn't think he could jump and get it so he gets a running start (I'm behind him and off to one side) He didn't just jump he got a running start hahahahaha and leaves the floor Jordan style and while he's flying through the air I pull out the BB gun and shoot the can!

    It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! I thought that the glue would spray out of the BB hole on him but when the BB hit the can SPLIT lengthwise and the bottom blew off! It was like something out of a movie! Just a GIANT wall of flying glue and he sailed right through it! He was just SOLID glue from head to toe! I wish I had had my camera then!

    The really funny thing is that industrial solvent gets really really HOT as it dries he was laying out back in the retention pond for about an hour!

    I saw one the other day where some guys taped the winning lottery numbers then went and bought a ticket for their "friends" party the next day. Gave him the ticket as a present then played the previous days tape... It was so wrong! has a lot of pranks and stunts like that!

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