I think it depends on who you know. I have a close LDS friend and her family has shunned her because she is dating a non-LDS. I asked her why and when she explained it to me, I really thought I was talk'n to a JW who was dating a non-JW. Also, the special underwear thing is strange if you ask me. I think all fundamentalist religions are goofy. They have their thing, JW''s have their, 7th Day have theirs. And as for JWs, I still have active JW friends who are still very close friends of mine, no one has sold me down the river over a guilty conscious. These are people I have known since I was a baby and they have backed me and helped me out. So blanket statements only apply for the person who uses the blanket. So my blanket statement is all religions are goofy and all extermists regardless of their religion are goofy.
More of Mormon similarities...
by ringo5 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On the national news yesterday on TV, it had a story on Mormons. It said that Mormon is the most rapidly growing religion in the US. It showed some bicycle riders and a few friendly faces but didn't really get in-depth.
I found the growth rate interesting. I guess people like a mystery!
Robert -
I always wanted to know what the holy underwear looks like but they get very offended when you ask about them
Here are your underwear... notice the Freemasonry "rule, square, and compass" stitched into them.
I wouldn't trust anyone that is under the strong influence of any cultic religion, and indeed the Mormons have some ideas that are more wayward than those of the dubs.
The common denominator is that both were founded by masons and they are therefore masonic creations. -
drew sagan
The similarities run high for one major reason. Both religions continue to call for submission and obedience among the followers no matter what. Everything the religion does is part of Gods plan, not mans. Such groups find ways that make them "special" and then use such things to keep their followers from going anywhere else. "Where else would you go?". It's a classic case of mind controll.
I also must add that many religion organizations, political organizations, commercial organizations, ect. all do it. The mormons and the JW's are just more obvious examples. Of course, believe it or not there are others out there that are even worse. -
Dr Jekyll
Shallow i know but can someone explain to me the reasoning behind having holy underwear?
Shallow i know but can someone explain to me the reasoning behind having holy underwear?
Also they must wear these are the rest of their lives [earthly lives] and they represent the garment given to Adam in the garden of Eden.
Really just pagan folklore being passed off as divine instruction that adds to the mystery that appeals to people I suppose....