Hi Ace.. sorry to hear you had to endure that stressful situation..but seriously now you are so much better off out of the cult that is the JW org..They can no longer have control over your and your life... God will always love you no matter how you worship.. The elders can't stop that. They are not directed by God's spirit. They teach twisted and man made beliefs from the bible..
Ace-cecil gets d-shipped..............
by ace-cecil 17 Replies latest jw friends
Sure they can, virgochik. The end is near! And there is a hurrying of it very much! Kool-aid will be served at noon.
My poor wife...
Welcome Ace-cecil stick around and have some laughs.
What wonderful freedom has just been afforded you! Enjoy it. Welcome!
Well thanks for your support eveyone, i appreciate it.Definitely goin through some emotions, but i do feel like a weight has been lifted. Its nice to know im not the only one that has been through this, and i was listneing to some of your JC sickoflies and its amazing how similar some of the things they said to try and avoid having to come up with a logical answer!!!
i do feel like a weight has been lifted
I can relate to this. I DA'd in the middle of a "complicated" JC where they were trying their damndest to DF me. I wouldn't let them have the power, so told them off in a three-pager that said it all. It was a weight off my shoulders and heart.
Life goes on -- welcome to it. :)
Lady Liberty
Dear Cecil,
Just remember, your not alone, and posting here will be good therapy. We will be getting the axe soon as well. We are preparing ourselves for mixed emotions, as we were raised in the organization and have always worked hard to have a good reputation. We now are being shunned even before we are D'fd just for having questions as well. Its just what they do best! Were thinking of you!
Lady Liberty
You are not alone. I personally know a number of people that post here and we are all playing the waiting game. Waiting for the call and waiting for the meeting. All I can say is if anyone can be as gutsy as sickoflies and record the JC meeting the more it helps everyone here. Like L.L. says its Theropy FREE Theropy. You always have friends here to share your feelings and they will listen. Always remember you may not have the congregation anymore but Jehovah knows your heart condition.