I know that people here make comments about the religion having problems and growth not being anything other then children born into the faith and third world countries. I even see them make comments about, "how much longer can this go on?" Yet honestly, do you really think the Witness religion will end in our life time? I honestly think that when I am in my 80's and that would be 50 years from now, I will be able to open up the phone book and see under Churches a title for Jehovah's Witnesses. I think they have enough steam to make it about 75 more years, before they have a complete collapse. How about you?
Do you honestly think the Witness religion will end?
by free2beme 48 Replies latest jw friends
No, I don't; change, decrease in numbers.
Catholic Church
Worldwide Church of God
Are 2 examples of religious organizations that have survived changes, time, and decrease or splits in their organizations.
Lately I've been thinking about this, and about how many JWs did not have children because they thought the end was so near.
Then it hit me, that's perfect!
This is the one JW trait that should be reinforced by everyone! Don't have any kids you deluded freaks!
Sometimes you can do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
No I do not believe there will ever be an end to this religion. There will always be people who are lulled into the religion and stay for whatever reason. The numbers may not be increasing like they use to, but that does not mean that people are not joining. Also, the preaching work helps with getting the info out and getting new people. If they stopped doing that I am sure their numbers would go and and rapidly and then I might question whether the religion would fade or stay. But until then, no. There will always be people out there who like the initial message and come in based on that.
Mr. Kim
Do you honestly think the Witness religion will end?
It may depend on how hard most people work at exposing the REAL TRUTH!
I'm not sure. I think it will depend on how they twist the 1914 thing, to suit the religion to keep people thinking the "end is just around the corner!"
I used to think the JW religion would grow mighty and cover the earth! Now I really think the religion is rotting from decay and dying.
But I recognize that between those two extremes is the reality. And the reality is that there will always be some folks who need what they're selling, so they will survive. Look at all the whacky religions on the earth, some of which are actually growing!
Remember, it was only 150 years ago that the Mormons were calling their faithful back to Salt Lake City to fight the Federal troops who were en route to the Promised Land. In the 19th Century, they appeared to be a religion with a very short shelf life. Today they are thriving, and they've succeeded in turning around their lunatic-fringe reputation. Most people now think of Mormons as clean-cut, honest, hard-working, family-oriented, and education-minded. Almost no one knows much about their screwy doctrines, nor do they care.
Dubs should be able to find a way to follow that model and I'm guessing they will, although it may take another 50 years.
In way yes, the Jehovah's Witness as we know them today can only go on for about another 20-30 years tops. Then it will be painfully obvious then END is no where near and not coming. The doctrines will have to change drastically because the anointed (tm) will be gone and regular folkes will be in charge. No doubt JW's will become another main stream religion, but a very small one.
drew sagan
I think we all agree that it's going to end someday, but when that it going to happen is another question. Some may not agree with this reasoning, but there are some crazier religions out there that have weathered through worse *cough* *mormons* *cough*. The WTS may be crazy, but they have got a good hold on a good many people. I also say not in our lifetime, pending an divine intervention.
I see more dominations that are starting to sound like the Witnesses, even heard a radio preacher talking about earthly paradise, 1000 year reign, even said 'the elect' would return to earth after the 1000 years.
The last days preachers will always be here (even the apostles were convinced it was in there time).
Guess if they teach jw core, but not blood, politics and other of the unpopular teahings, they find members.Jw's will probably splinter-up, rather than dying out.