If a Jehovah's Witness won the lottery, do you think that she would select the cash value or the (26) annual payments?
Trick Question
by Oroborus21 6 Replies latest social humour
Cash value. The end of this old wicked system would be here long before the annual amount could be enjoyed.
Of course, the only way I could picture this happening is if someone was given a lottery ticket as a gift. I have been given two, so that is possible. Or, maybe they could find a winning ticket in a gutter...imaginary JWs have all the luck!
i would never admit to have purchased it
I am sure the "friends" would like you to contribute it ... yeah right!!! fdat.
yeah ... cash value like AuldSoul
Off on my usual tangent.........
So a dub can't purchase a lottery ticket for him/herself but can benefit from one given to them (or found)? Can a dub buy a lottery ticket for someone else (maybe with money they'd found)? Could 'Dub A' buy a ticket for 'Dub B' and vice versa?
Is this the same principal as the Henrietta Riley Trust thing? It's ok to BENEFIT from the sales of tobacco products so long as you don't invest initially..........oh, but what about all those JW tobacco farmers, did they INHERIT their farms or buy them? Or does it amount to the same thing?
Cash but then so would I
no proper jw would be buying one.....its gamblin!!!!
Dr Jekyll
no proper jw would be buying one.....its gamblin!!!!
Which is why I could never get a sister to play strip poker with me