Introducing the new Toe Turban:
Just got my ingrown toe nail removed for the second time in my life. Hopefully it doesn't come back this time.
by google_mE 14 Replies latest jw friends
Introducing the new Toe Turban:
Just got my ingrown toe nail removed for the second time in my life. Hopefully it doesn't come back this time.
oh man !! the injured toe pic didnt work!
(thank goodness LOL)
hope you feel better soon!
Hope the toe nail stays where it belongs from now on! As long as the boo-boo is totally covered and really looks like a turban try posting that again.
Hopefully the pic shows now.
That was funny!!
Sorry about the oww-wee...
rofl great pic.. shave those toes!! lol
Yikes !! soooooo, what kind of shoes do you wear (if any), or is it sandles?
At least it looks like you don't have that toenail fungus.
Ken P.
Not a bad looking foot!
Take care of it.
Hope it all goes well I know someone who had the same problem and treatment as you did.