It is my understanding, and I have always been told, that near the "End", during the Great Tribulation, the "final message," of Jehovah would be delivered before all of the nations of the world, as one final chance of redemption. And NO, I'm not talking about the standard door-to-door preaching work, but a one-time only - FINAL message of the coming destruction that was of to come right before the end, and it would cause the governments to hate the Witnesses even more and cause even greater persecution, etc.
I was told this message would be the one final chance for any "inactive" or non-believers to ask forgiveness of Jehovah and have mercy on them. (and hopefully he would, and then let you into the New Order)
I must admit, I haven't heard about this final message since I was quite young, so maybe the older ones on here can help out. Can someone enlighten us all, and also give your opinions on to why this is no longer really talked about??
Wing Commander